Correct, yelling and chanting does nothing, they slapped him to a functional enough state that he managed to regain control of his faculties
Correct, yelling and chanting does nothing, they slapped him to a functional enough state that he managed to regain control of his faculties
The video is showing something called a freediving blackout, it’s a condition that gets triggered in divers such as the one shown, plus other factors such as hyperventilating prior to the dive.
What happens in this case is the person loses consciousness because they don’t feel the need to breathe as they have purged a lot of the CO2 the body has prior, giving them “room” to not feel the urge to breathe.
Again, as specified previously, assuming the person doesn’t die of anything immediate in the water, the body simply stops breathing.
The problem is when it starts again.
Your body, once “jolted awake” by the involuntary nervous system, will try to breathe, and it doesn’t know or care that you might still be underwater since you stopped swimming and didn’t get out of the water in time or weren’t rescued or washed ashore on some deserted island.
If you’re out of the water at this point, you’re fine, usually. If you’re still underwater, you breathe in (involuntarily) a bunch of the water (or a bunch of “nothing” if you got your holes plugged) and that’s what kills you.
Kind of ironic that in an attempt to preserve your life, your own involuntary bodily function is what ends up being the final nail.
No. You can sorta do it until you pass out and then your involuntary nervous system takes over and your body breathes on its own because you’re not conscious anymore.
That’s called boofing and is strongly advised against.
Black sheep wall - StarCraft map reveal
Our ancestors crawling from the sea onto land millions of years ago is what got us in this mess in the first place.
Don’t crawl. Swim. Swim away.
It’s January 1st, 1970 no matter who (or what) asks
I feel the math is wrong but maybe I just don’t know enough about car batteries
Unless it can repel Cheeto dust that thing is changing colours.
The sheer volume and variety of anime and manga is why it has such a reach
There’s only about a dozen things that always pop up when you mention western animations, regardless of the genre or target audience
Why? My personal guess is that it costs too much/doesn’t generate a lot of profit and that due to that, series don’t build on top of each other like they do in Korea or Japan
Example off the top of my head, Korea has a lot of “awakened player” stories like Solo Leveling, the anime of which you may have seen recently; those stories are good because they keep building off of each other, eliminating the boring tidbits and coming up with more creative ways for the stuff that is interesting, and more importantly, its current, not 10 years ago, not 20, they refine the genre every season and it gets incrementally better, something that has simply not been happening in the west for a good long while now.
The bun top is typically thicker, allowing for a more solid foundation and to absorb more juices from the meat while being transported as takeout, without falling apart.
I know a burger place that serves their burgers upside down, blew my mind when I first discovered it.
I understand you’re coming from a good place and I appreciate that but it seems I might’ve given the wrong impression, so let me clarify as a wrap up to this thread.
I am employed full time, making decent amount of money as far as the average pay in the country is concerned. Work conditions are decent.
I do have a place to rent but it goes up in price every year with no justifications and no work being done to correct or address a lot of the issues it exhibits, including but not limited to the ever growing heat problem (much hotter indoors), electrical issues, bathroom mold and deteriorating cracks in the walls/stairs to name a few. Fighting this is futile or lengthy and costly, something my wallet and my mental state cannot afford. The alternative is either let it be or move to a different place, similar circumstances or slightly improved, but with a much higher cost associated.
I also exercise every other day and while it definitely has its merits, it’s also rough to convince myself to do it every time. I think I missed a total of 4 days of exercise so far this year. Discipline wise, I feel that’s alright.
I agree that the shrink is not a one-doc-fits-all and it’s important to find the one that resonates with you, I also feel bouncing off ideas from people outside of your comfort zone is important as it provides a wider perspective on things which you may not have considered otherwise.
While he did not do much, he did confirm the diagnosis of a severe depression and has helped enough for me to conclude that I’m not insane, and similar to millions of others, just a victim of circumstances and consequences of social and economic policies that push this burning bus downhill ever faster.
Most of the items I experience are not a matter of perspective, it’s a matter of fact, global warming, unaffordability of housing, stagnant wages, anti consumer practices just to name a few
Ultimately, my point is that I don’t want to mitigate the pain, I want to not have to deal with it in the first place.
Just because I can keep fighting and reassemble the pieces again and again, doesn’t mean I want to. Repairing the cracks doesn’t make you stronger no matter what people say, the glue only helps so much and there is always a toll paid when reassembling broken stuff. I understand when people want to compare it to the Japanese art of repairing stuff with gold but it’s never that nice, you don’t come out stronger in the end, you come out assembled in whatever configuration allows you to survive and with less energy for the next run, but with more disdain for having to do it again.
And again.
And again after that.
To summarize: I’m just tired.
I had a listen, thank you.
Unfortunately it does not resonate with me since the issues I faced… or rather still currently facing, are basic things that are missing, for example not having a safe space or being able to afford a place to call my own in which I could even think to begin to thrive. It’s not that the shrink didn’t see my problem, it’s that he understood that most of these are socially engineered problems, that given proper legislation from the government for social services and habitat and controlling/reigning in the rampant runoff capitalism that we’re experiencing would alleviate or resolve, and unfortunately he, being a medical professional, is not able to assist with that. He validated that I was indeed exhibiting symptoms of severe depression from these items and did the best he could, but even today, the situation stays much unchanged in most of those items. And no, I don’t have much hope for anything to change in the future, despite all the social movements we’re seeing pop up.
I’d love to be proven wrong.
Reminds me of the events that transpired over the last half a decade or so.
Over the last several years my mental state was deteriorating. Stress accumulated. Various stuff, employment, overworked, underpaid. Inability to afford housing. Covid. War overseas. Had a mental breakdown at some point. Ended up on meds and in therapy. After multiple sessions was informed by my psychologist that “the reactions you’re exhibiting are normal for a person that has experienced all the items and stress associated with all we discussed up to now, unfortunately I cannot help you as the response is perfectly normal and there’s nothing wrong with you”
I still don’t know how I feel about that specific statement after several thousand dollars of therapy, but I guess it’s better than assuming my depression isn’t “good enough” to be real depression.
There’s a good chance the world should be ashamed to be in the state that it’s in, not for you to be ashamed that you finally see it as it is.
Happy to see my meme is getting extra usage ❤️
Bad rats show is still a personal favourite of mine to gift on steam.
Consider refunding and grabbing it for free from epic in a few days? Granted that would require you to tinker with the deck a bit to install from the other stores besides steam, if you’re up for it
Some pictures would probably help.
Voyager is very much Apollo reincarnate