There’s a PR open ( but I’m assuming Ernest has a million other things going on right now too.
There’s a PR open ( but I’m assuming Ernest has a million other things going on right now too.
Yeah, they’re not pushing it because it matches some far-right authoritarian ideology Meta itself has, they’re pushing it because conservatives taunting libs who fall for it and try to talk reason into conservatives drives tons of engagement.
This is how they are
I don’t really like it when people think this. Every group of humans has people that would do this given the chance. Otherwise I agree, that Russian leadership really doesn’t care what their soldiers are doing, so the soldiers do what they want with zero accountability or fear of retaliation.
FPS’s seemed boring, online games couldn’t keep my attention long enough to get through a match, and eventually I’d just leave a game on the pause menu while I messed around mindlessly on my phone.
My partner does this.
One, you might have ADHD. I can’t say, but you could look into it.
Secondly, you need to have some time to let your brain rest. When you bounce between tasks like that, you’re never actually not doing something. People think of doomscrolling as taking a break, but really you’re replacing your intended task with another task and there isn’t a time where you do no task.
I see a lot of people talking about specific parts of 5G but honestly most of them are optional and only some of them will be active at once.
“Regular” 5G uses the same frequencies as 2G, 3G, etc. The carriers will be moving more frequency ranges of older Gs to 5G as time goes on.
In general, we can send more data at once because we have better math for sending data. There’s not really an ELI5 that can explain that part besides more math.
Another part is there’s also more math so that the phones can take turns talking better or split up frequencies better, so they don’t have to re-transmit as much.
If you’re in hyper-crowded areas, they made a new frequency range that cannot go through walls, but is way faster than the regular ones that we’ve been using. It’s only good for like sports stadiums and stuff, and you almost never use this. It’s called mmwave (millimeter-wave) and you can safely ignore any marketing around it. Not many phones support it yet because it’s useless 99% of the time.
the boss could technically read anything we wrote
My old work actually ran into some issues because they couldn’t see DMs/private channels.
Maybe this is a cloud vs. self-hosted thing? It’s been a few years since I’ve worked there though.
I don’t mean that it’s not old, I mean that it’s still got some more room for improvement. Passkeys, for instance, are an attempt at improving the user experience.
sophisticated and highly-targeted phishing attack
So, uh, an email?
It still defends against one failure mode (the website gets hacked but you’re ok) but yeah, obviously if you get hacked and the hacker knows how to get your vault out then you’re 100% screwed.
My suggestion is always hardware 2FA, even though it’s not as mature as the other systems. Personally I have two Yubikeys (in case one breaks/gets lost) but it does mean that I need to add TOTPs to both of them each time I add a new 2FA.
Lol what. We have machines and automation now. We can just make manufacturing equipment “suffer” while the humans “get ahead”.
The zero-sum worldview has been dead since the industrial revolution. Any widespread suffering at this point is the fault of humans.
Edit: unless you’re trying to say something else?
I’ve at least heard people defending PHP recently. Supposedly it’s, uh, better than before.
That said if there was a community fork of Lemmy that people started organizing around I wouldn’t mind seeing if there was something I could help with.
On another topic, there are rumors circulating that we are fascists or supported genocide.
This is the part that I think will make it more difficult, since I imagine there are quite a few devs that would rather contribute to projects by less politically-outspoken project owners.
(I would also note that they don’t deny being tankies, and tankies tend to insist they aren’t fascists. They also deny the Uyghur genocide so they have that going for them too.)
Seems like the actual issue was that the law in question would let him be convicted even if he wasn’t doing these things and just being a nuisance. It’s not that he’s innocent, it’s that the law used is itself illegal.