*Little Caesar
Title corrected, thank you.
Blue has a shorter wavelength, and thus collides with more particles and is reflected more. That’s why the sky and ocean appears blue. The human eye is also more sensitive to 450nm (blue) than 650nm (red).
I think you’re confused. These aren’t range finders.
It’s easier to see the beam in green or blue.
You can print parts, but if you live outside the EU, because of shipping costs, it’s probably better to just donate to United24 or other organizations.
Possibly a mixture, but that seems too risky. Those are rough waves.
Moscow ski competition participants show their support for Putin’s ongoing genocide in Ukraine.
From what I’ve seen so far, they can travel at least 10km further.
₴20M UAH or $532K USD for 450 UAVs and 45 control stations, so roughly $1000 per drone.
it’s healthy to be a little skeptical about any news, IMHO.
Absolutely agreed
I think this is the photo you’re referring to, and the first thing I noticed was the giant Ukraine flag over his face and right corner watermark shows up less than the allegedly photoshopped insignias. I’m not denying the possibility it’s a Photoshop, but that’s not convincing evidence to me. I’ve only found this one photo spread on Twitter that claims to use Photoshop detection software.
I think it’s because of the shape, speed, and how they are launched.
According to Wikipedia, which I know isn’t a great source, they still produce Iskander missiles.
That was my assumption, unless he failed to pull the pin.
Here’s a mirror. The app you’re using might not support embedded videos.
General strikes are the only answer.