But won’t someone think about the poor wealthy NJ drivers who can’t drive to their favorite downtown Manhattan chain restaurant now without paying a few bucks ;____;
Queer tiefling fire witch
But won’t someone think about the poor wealthy NJ drivers who can’t drive to their favorite downtown Manhattan chain restaurant now without paying a few bucks ;____;
I’ve been using TP-link Kasa cams for a bit, I have four of them now. If you’re hyper conscious about security it’s probably best not to look at their EUC though, but otherwise I quite like them.
The other downside is that the newer models require a subscription, the older models don’t. I have the KC110 and KC120.
Username checks out
We could easily use AI nowadays to identify trash in glass bottles at record speeds. Hell, there are models out there identifying cancer in cells right now.
12 bits to an eagle
27 eagles to a liberty (changes whenever an amendment is added)
1776 liberties to a freedom
Computers are still programmed in bytes, but filesize is always in freedoms.
NYC is very much public transit and bike focused. A very significant portion of people never even learn to drive. The only cars on the road are business, rich people, and ubers. Some parking spots have a higher income than many service workers.
Unfortunately, there’s also next to zero enforcement of traffic laws so people get hit and killed by cars daily
“The snacks are too dry”
I’ll consider empathizing with conservatives when they aren’t trying to legislate away every aspect of my existence. I’m not going to apologize for having disdain for white supremacists and their supporters.
The value of good frontend engineering.
I recently stumbled upon this blog post that describes it better than I could
deleted by creator
Not sure what you’re referring to, but I’m guessing only because we don’t have those here. People either bring their own cart or use a basket
The stuff at the top of the basket goes first so I can reach the stuff at the bottom?
It’s a very pretty game set in cyberpunk Paris. The story is a bit shaky but it’s overall fun. Most of it is a combat based platformer, but it also has puzzle scenes where you have to go into people’s memories and manipulate them to cause a butterfly effect
Remember Me
Exercise boosts endorphins.
Physical contact boosts oxytocin.
Sex does both.
My body does not do any of these
A certain fun guy is really nice for this, but start small
Are you going after the faceless corporate types that work in a well protected office building in a city you can’t afford to live in?
Those low level workers also have to deal with exploitation, a job’s a job. That’s why Alphabet recently unionized, and then Alphabet retaliated against their unionized workers by waiting until they were in front of city council to fire them.
I prefer cotton leggings to poly, but that’s also because I work with fire a lot and polyester is dangerous around fire.
But aside from that specific case, cotton is so much comfier than synthetics, doesn’t trap heat, and lets your bits breathe. Also fewer microplastics. It’s t-shirt material.
(I agree with the other person though, for the love of FSM please stop asking about every single little detail related to leggings)
Pretty sure it’s illegal in NYC too but it’s absolutely everywhere. The biggest culprits are, I surprisingly, cops