Thank you for putting the catbox moe mirrors back! Telegram vids don’t load for me for water reason.
Slava Ukraine!
Thank you for putting the catbox moe mirrors back! Telegram vids don’t load for me for water reason.
Slava Ukraine!
I’m curious too, wonder if this includes recent storm shadow etc strikes or if Russia is pushing as hard as they can before winter properly sets in.
Either way; slava Ukraine!
I’ve not seen anything but I’d imagine Ukraine is targeting further depots/storage facilities to continue pressure on Russian supply lines.
At least that’s what I’m hoping for, slava Ukraine!
Anyone got a non paywall link?
For me roasting your own beans is a case of “easy to do, difficult to master”. It’s a great hobby dont get me wrong, but the way this post is phrased makes it seem like you’ll be getting amazing results from the get go.
There’s a huge amount of trial and error and even with the best will in the world you might not be able to come close to what a local roaster can provide.
Anyone got paywall free link?
Shameless self plug incoming!
How strange! I’m on voyager and it used to load imgur fine, but either way I appreciate the mirrors!