I had literally never heard of it until people were shitting on it.
Probably staying up too late
I had literally never heard of it until people were shitting on it.
Not sure how I feel about the ranking of the RG35XX compared to the MM+ (or how they called the RG35XX weak when it can emulate some DS and PSP through Koriki). Also, the 351V higher than the 353V? Tf?
That’s why I went with Kbin, didn’t want to use software made by them.
I’m not sure about Valheim, but I can vouch that No Man’s Sky runs well on Steam Deck.
That, and remove the 3 vids of what I searched for, then 3 vids of whatever the fuck, then shorts thay may or may not be related.
The thread gets ported to Gameboy
did this come true
Exotics too, if it’s not an Exotic you use often, you can make due with a collections roll. It’s cheap to MW if you’re at the point where you have multiple builds, and weapons are just weapons, if there’s no high kill tracker, you don’t need to worry about pulling (Hawkmoon, DMT, and the craftables non-withstanding).
Shit purples drop like candy too, so infusion fodder’s not an issue.
God, seeing screencaps of Minecraft with terrible hotbars, or anyone else’s Destiny inventory (seriously, delete shit, it’s only your fault that your postmaster is full by the end of a strike)
You would love Girls’ Frontline
Even then with AAA multiplayer, it’s not a guarantee it’s unplayable. Every Halo game on Steam works just fine, and Apex Legends was one of the first AAA MP games to support the Deck.
If you’re on console, Black Ops 2. The maps aren’t my favourite, but IMO the core zombies experience was perfected and it’s been all downhill since. Polished experience with a solid gun roster and nice difficulty. Plus there’s maps for nearly every skill level. Just wish there was more than just Nuketown and the sub-Tranzits for those of us who want a pure survival experience.
If you’re on PC, WaW or BO3. WaW hss a massive back catalogue of custom maps, plus is one of the few CoD games that’s reasonably priced on Steam. BO3 requires you to pay a lot more, but is a much easier source of playing modded zombies. This is just my opinion, but I’m not a big fan of unmodded BO3, guns are uninspired and feel awful, and gobblegums are a fuck that never should’ve been added. And then objectively, WaW is super buggy, and has a fit if you alt tab, but, subjectively, the simpler custom maps (not to say they can’t be complex, Leviathan was a WaW custom map) give off a nostalgic vibe.
Yep, that’s one of the things I miss, a hockey/Canucks community.
I think that planefuckers should be friends with gunfuckers.
Pokémon Yellow on the GBC.
Yes, but first you must find the remaining pixels to complete the image, then you will learn the powers of the 3000 Carl Gustavs of Harald V.
They just gotta partner with the NHL and they’ll get all the funding they need, outside of those who rock the no teeth look.
Absolutely wonderful. I love looking at art on Discord, opening the tweet to get the high res pic to save (Yes, I’m aware of adding ?format=jpg&name=large at the end of the URL, already had to do it for some pics), then being blocked. Or trying to see some sports news, then being blocked again.
If you’re into Pokemon, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games are fantastic. They aren’t the hardest roguelike in the world (still harder than a mainline Pokemon game though), but they’re fun. The stories are also incredible (can only speak for Rescue Team and Explorers, haven’t played the 3DS titles yet).
I’m the type of guy who hates New Vegas because it felt awful to shoot things (and that’s why I’m still addicted to Destiny). Aiming’s a bit weird, and shotguns don’t have too much impact, but other than that, it’s not the worst shooter I’ve played. I’ll probably stick with it.