It’s still up and on the megathread. I was downloading Xbox 360 games from it the other day.
It’s still up and on the megathread. I was downloading Xbox 360 games from it the other day.
Vimm’s Lair
They also use device ID. You need a new device that has never interacted with reddit before (with a VPN and different email). They also look at the subs you subscribe to. The amount of info they collect is invasive, fuck 'em.
Are you able to remember a strong password? If you can then you can use something like KeePass, it is an offline password manager (and authenticator) that you can use on your phone and PC and backup the file anyway you want, in storage and the cloud. It is very easy to import and export.
Use the 3-2-1 rule for storing your vault:
Maintain three copies of your data: This includes the original data and at least two copies.
Use two different types of media for storage: Store your data on two distinct forms of media to enhance redundancy.
Keep at least one copy off-site: To ensure data safety, have one backup copy stored in an off-site location, separate from your primary data and on-site backups.
I have a Bitwarden vault for passwords and a KeePass vault for TOTP. I would use at least 2 Yubikeys as well but I’m using degoogled Grapheneos. I hate email and SMS verification for MFA, and my stupid banks only support these two methods.
Have you looked at CeraVe in the tub?
My understanding is it is hormonal and governed by androgens, testosterone, and DHT. Depending on a man’s levels and how sensitive their follicles are, it will affect how their scalp or beard grows. It can also be genetic/inherited and they are more likely to bald as they get older. Medication is usually aimed at hormonal causes and combined with something like minoxidil, which is a vasodilator.
Women also go through something similar, except the beard part for most women.
CW: child abuse, abortion, sexual assault, suicidal ideation
I think if a fetus has an abnormality the parents don’t want, then they can choose to abort once it is caught. But once the infant is born, the parents shouldn’t be able to back out. I don’t have children, I might have them one day, so I don’t know if I’ll ever change my mind if I end up having a kid with a serious disability that wasn’t caught in time for an abortion. There are some conditions where the kid doesn’t even survive childhood. That sounds really heartbreaking but I couldn’t bring myself to basically kill a child.
I am physically and mentally disabled myself and it has been a struggle. I haven’t had kids yet because my disability has made me permanently low income and I don’t know if I have the strength and energy to raise a child. I am female so I would be carrying and birthing the baby and breastfeeding and all that jazz, unmedicated because my medication causes birth defects. There are times I want to die, I find myself drifting towards researching suicide methods. But it is my choice, it should never be anyone else’s. Certainly not my asshole parents’ decision.
I would like to say that if a parent wants to back out, the kid can go to a loving home in foster care. However, foster care is very bad in my area and I’ve heard very tragic tales from children that end up in their care. I don’t know why, I don’t know if it is a budgeting issue, but abusive foster parents in my area with clear mental and anger problems are allowed to foster anyway as well as typical abusive religious nutjobs. My parents were pretty abusive to me, one was the narcissistic abuser and the other was the enabler. I have PTSD from them and so do my siblings. And yet we ended up better than the foster kids I’ve heard from. I still would advocate for fixing the foster care system rather than killing all those children. My parents told me if I called CPS, I would be raped in foster care. It scared me enough to keep quiet about the abuse. Turns out it does happen, I know kids that went through that, and it is fucked up. I’m not saying every foster kid goes through this but I would never take that chance with my own kid. Adoption is not an option for me.
Memento mori = Remember you will die
Learned it while playing persona 3.
Have you applied for welfare? You may qualify for food benefits (EBT card that pays for food) and general benefits (actual money). Say you are disabled. They will tell you to apply for Social Security benefits like SSI or SSDI. You can also get Medicaid/Medicare to help pay for healthcare like medicine for ADHD or therapy. This assumes you are in the US.
deleted by creator
I’m female and bi and it is definitely noticeable when someone is staring at my chest and it is very uncomfortable. When I was younger there were certain guys that rarely looked me in my face and were just looking at my chest the whole time. I asked other girls about it and they agreed they too felt them gazing at their chests and it was really uncomfortable and off-putting for them as well. If you wanna help then tell them discreetly to tighten their bra straps. Otherwise I don’t find it acceptable to stare at a woman’s chest. A glance maybe but you should really be looking at their faces. People are not meat or eye candy, don’t objectify them, just remember the person they are inside. There may be women ok with it and like flaunting it but that’s not been my personal experience.
I’m not going to down vote you lol, I haven’t down voted anyone in this thread. There is no wrong answer or response. I do feel bad for her though, pencils are sharp even when unsharpened, I can’t imagine that felt good. Did she wrap it in a condom? How old was she?
Girl same, it took me a couple of guys and years before I had an orgasm. Luckily my current partner is very patient with me and I hope you find someone like that too. I feel like a lot of maybe younger or inexperienced guys just jackhammer a girl and then they’re done ugh. Sorry for misunderstanding you earlier, looks like we had much more in common than I thought! Judging by the down votes it looks like I said something offensive, and I just wanted to say sorry about that. This is just my experience.
I think I did ask about that and since she doesn’t have trouble inserting the speculum she said I didn’t have it. I use menstrual cups with lube just fine, although I do use a cup on the softer side.
You’re probably right, I never used lube with tampons but if I did it might not have hurt so bad. I did feel it was less tight putting them in once my virginity was gone but it still felt like tearing using them so maybe that was just me. Just now I tried searching but all I got was tampons don’t take your virginity which I already knew and was not trying to imply. I use cups now with lube and it is much better than tampons for me.
Will tampons hurt with endometriosis?
They can, but the tampon pain associated with endometriosis tends to be similar to endometriosis dyspareunia, a term used to describe pain during sex. With endometriosis, a tampon can cause a heavy pain felt deep in the abdomen, or cramping.
Sometimes the tampon pain related to endometriosis also can cause your vaginal muscles to tense, causing a sharp pain at the entrance of the vagina when inserting or removing a tampon.
TINA tip: If you have endometriosis, speak with your doctor about which options for managing your period might be most comfortable. Speak up about how you’re feeling so your doctor can help you determine which type of pain relief options might work for you.
TIL I may have had endometriosis this whole time. I was wondering how I was using tampons wrong when I have heavy flows that need tampon+pad to manage.
It feels like nothing but rubbing for me? Idk. But I definitely recommend the book. I’m not saying those 80% hate penetration, but it isn’t a big part. I know when I talked to my gyno about painful sex, she said use plenty of lube and orgasm before penetration. Very good advice in case anyone needs it.
I’m glad you found relief from the religious oppression. We need less shaming and better sex ed for everyone. Thanks for your wishes, I wish you the same!
Understandable. I was never into penetration and thought I was weird but after talking to more women and then reading Come As You Are, it clicked that I was actually normal and in the majority (80% are like me). Not that being in the minority is weird, if you read the book you’ll find that is actually normal too. I hate masturbation or sex without a vibrator lol. I never felt safe talking to my parents either, they were super religious and invaded my privacy regularly. I was an adult before getting toys, and everything sex related sucked before them.
I agree parents should talk with their kids, I never meant to allude to that. But I disagree that penetration doesn’t feel bad, for me it feels painful without lube and with lube it feels not painful but never enjoyable. Vibrators are the only thing that feels good, that much is universal among the women I’ve talked to.
Most teens don’t want to put anything up there because it hurts, even tampons hurt as a virgin especially with 0 lube. I never liked regular dildos, most women do not orgasm through penetration. So I would say they are messing with you. I’ve had guys ask me if I ever experimented with pencils or rulers because if they were a girl they would do it. No, wtf only guys think women are like this.
Is that you - Futa from hitman reborn?
Personally, I pirate just about everything but do buy what I like from indie devs. Bonus if it is on GOG.