I use https://sftpgo.com/ at home for backing up and accessing files. It’s a private unshared network and it works well.
I use https://sftpgo.com/ at home for backing up and accessing files. It’s a private unshared network and it works well.
I wonder if his family is in danger now his identity has been revealed.
University fees for foreign students can be very high. For example, I think the fees at Edinburgh university for a foreign student are 3 times the cost for English students, and almost 9 times compared to Scottish students. I’m going from memory here so I could be off a bit.
This was during the summer. The only thing might be bird poop?
One of my neighbours sometimes hoses down her driveway in the pouring rain. Who knows why neighbours do the things they do.
Pushing straight to ops sounds like our devops team at work; commit straight to main and then test.
Very true, good point. I’m looking at it from my own selfish point of view. 😁
Personally I have zero interest in influencers and I’d rather use a platform that isn’t designed to amplify their content. That’s just me.
They give your phone number to telemarketers and say “please don’t call this number”. I doubt anyone in the government follows up and punishes any telemarketers that ignore their strong request.
I hope they defect instead of fighting.
I never understood the need to display multiple US flags in your yard. We get it, you live in america. You love America. We get that too. Are you afraid someone will think you no longer wish to be American if you took your flags down?
Thanks, good to know!
I tried organic maps once and it told me to do a u turn as the last instruction in the route, when I actually needed to turn right into my destination. I rarely drive these days but I’ll definitely try it again to see how well it does.
I’m one of these people that identifies vehicles by looking at them. It’s a talent that impresses my kid so I’ll take that as a positive! 😁
That’s exactly what this is. All stores will eventually do this and prices will fluctuate throughout the day.
Someone will have to start a website to track item prices so we can work out when the cheapest time to buy something is.
I’m store item prices will be the next gas prices.
Let’s hope it rains wherever he goes.
They’re desparate for cannon fodder?
Why are we not surprised?