I can buy food, but I’m still not sure one could call this “living.”
I can buy food, but I’m still not sure one could call this “living.”
Will they use MLA or Chicago for their citations?
Sadly, probably not. That would require some political courage instead of craven avarice and an obsessive aversion to change.
The only way I can interpret this is that you seem to think that land area somehow equates to population. So I’m curious as to how Russia should have 200 million soldiers. After they draft their entire population where are they getting the extra 50 million-ish people?
Yeah, I think so.
I don’t think “casualties” means just death. Wounds are also considered under casualties. I’ve read varying numbers of death, but it seems to be somewhere around 120.000-150.000. Which is still a staggering number, especially in the short amount of time. Whatever else happens, Russia is pretty well demographically fucked for a while. Unfortunately Ukraine is probably too 😒
Yeah, something seems off here. Russia has about a third of the population of the US, yet more active soldiers. Even still, with the huge amount of casualties in the “meat grinder”?
Do Americans even own suits?
It doesn’t matter what experts say. The US administration wants any excuse it can find to build their new anti-Ukrainian narrative.
The EU needs to just get a spine and suspend Hungary already or something. Especially now that Hungary has banned Pride and is threatening to use facial ID software to arrest anyone who participates. Just get fucked, Hungary.