SSL is almost a old as Shakespeare now.
SSL is almost a old as Shakespeare now.
Shipwreck beach. I knew it looked familiar.
Misleading thumbnail, looks like a Greek island. Where does this come from?
Is this a declaration of war? Against NATO??
Someone should clarify if this
Contactless payments use the EMV protocol. Leaking the cc number is bad, but happens all the time. An actual payment athorisation replaces both PIN and signature. The victim’s bank will argue that the victim authorised the transaction at the POS.
possible fragments or real fragments of possibly Russian drone
I don’t get this argument. Most business don’t own any property. The office buildings are rented.
This. But you get some Pepsi occasionally.
This will work perfectly for OP
Don’t worry. I work in a bank. We employ very expensive IT consultants. After the initial PPT that sold the project to our management, all they do is Word documents (“concepts”), mostly copy paste from other documentation. And all the links are file://C:/User/Joe/Temp/MuFiles/…
Nice visual feedback.
Of course, I’d still want to see the instance with every user and also with every chanel.
Like email. Sure, some clients only show the first name, but somewhere I want to see the full address, can be small, can be hidden in a compact view, but full address is a must. is not is not
Berlin, Oregon is not Berlin (Germany)
Names are not unique. That’s why we have addresses.
Yes, same here.
They should have replied:
0 rows changed. OK.
BOT.EXE: Command not found
just to see if the other guy keeps trying.
The only open question is, whether at least one of the popular apps will transition Lemmy. This should doable since the concept is so similar.
The world needs good Fediverse apps. If they include mastodon, we can say good bye to Musk’s twitter as well.
There is a 4 million EURO or billion or otherwise huge fine for noncompliance with gpdr anywhere in the EU. And it can be enforced.
Ignore the fake stick shift, what the hell happened to Toyota? They used to make reliable, economic, no-bullshit cars. They invented (or popularized) the hybrid.
So Toyota missed the EV trend. We’d all be crazy rich now if we had predicted the rise of Tesla, so I guess this one can be forgiven.
I’m not a car-enthusiast. What I want from a car is less controls and distraction. A stick shift is more work for the driver, but logical. It exists for a reason. You can argue that automatic is a better solution for the problem, but when you learned to drive a manual, it works.
Also, 99% of the time, the stick works the same one any model from any manufacturer. It is expected.
I don’t get why people would want such gimmicks. The Toyota fake stick may be extreme and doesn’t fit the brand image at all; but many carmakers tend to treat EVs as toys; not real cars…
This. He signals that he wants a way out.
Of course, he’ll try to get or keep as much as possible, but saving face seems more important than victory. There’s hope.
Maybe we can all agree to say on Russia TV that glorius Russia won.