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So I dug into the source code a bit to see how it’s used. It turns out that IPFS might actually optional, as per the log line on https://github.com/hyprspace/hyprspace/blob/master/p2p/node.go#L213 (“Getting additional peers from IPFS API”)
The list of required bootstrap peers is hardcoded in the same file, but a few lines above, specifically at https://github.com/hyprspace/hyprspace/blob/master/p2p/node.go#L181
I say might be because - while the required bootstrap peers include a bunch of ones based on bootstrap.libp2p.io - there is a long list of hardcoded ip addresses and I don’t recognize any of them.
So those might be libp2p.io ip addresses, but they might also be IPFS ip addresses, or even belong to someone else altogether. (Edit: There are WHOIS tools online like https://lookup.icann.org/en that can be used to look these up and figure out who they belong to if you are really curious, but I can’t be bothered to do that right now.)
In any case, it looks like the way this works is that from a peer, libp2p tries to look up additional peers, and so on. So at most IPFS would be used as a way to get a listing, but once the desired peer is found, IPFS is cut out of the picture for that particular connection and NAT hole punching is used to establish a direct connection between peers instead (as per the linked wikipedia article, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hole_punching_(networking )
TIL! Yep, that gives the EU exactly what’s needed to suspend them from Schengen.
Hmm. Could they legally kick Hungary out of Schengen without its approval?
Agreements outside of the EU framework - now that is indeed a clever workaround. I seem to recall similar maneuvers during the Greek financial crisis when the UK wouldn’t agree to things.
What I fear is that he’s technically right - because he’ll use Hungary’s position as an EU member to tear up and otherwise interfere with EU attempts to fund Ukraine (something he’s not able to do to the US) and do it well enough that Ukraine’s position in it’s war of self-defense is seriously compromised.
I guess they back either other up. Like archive.is is able to take archives from archive.org but the saved page reflects the original URL and the original archiving time from the wayback machine (though it also notes the URL used from wayback itself plus the time they got archived it from wayback).
While this would almost certainly work, it would be nice if the root cause can be discovered and either fixed or worked around. Having to reinstall everytime one needs to free up disk space is … less than ideal.
This is actually very easy. You can copy the files from the container, even while it’s not running, onto your host system to edit there, and then copy them back afterwards.
See the top answer on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22907231/how-to-copy-files-from-host-to-docker-container for step by step instructions on how to do this.
Coming from someone who successfully did exactly that - because it’s quite tough. Immigration to most countries is quite competitive and expensive, with a lot of hoops to jump through. Those who can do it typically are much better off than the average Tommy and Gina (edit: Bon Jovi for those downvoters who don’t get the reference).
Unfortunately, true. Countries in the Anglosphere generally don’t allow immigration at all past the age of 50 or 55 unless you’re married to a citizen or something, so odds are good you aren’t even eligible to get in by the time you hit midlife.
And going outside of the Anglosphere requires becoming fluent in a language other than English - and even then it’s not so easy to immigrate.
Of course, one can always head to Svalbard - they don’t require work visas or residence visas, as per https://www.sysselmesteren.no/en/entry-and-residence/ - but it’s pretty cold that close to the North Pole. Plus you’d have to learn Norwegian.
Ditto, but this is actually a bonus for me.
“Didn’t you see my email and message last evening?”
“Not until I got in today, because it came after I had logged off and I can’t see that stuff on my personal phone because, you know, IT policy.”
North Korea already has a high defection rate. This … this is going to do the exact opposite of slowing that down.
Sounds reasonable to me. Gave themselves more room for a tit-for-tat response, basically.
What a joke - if the US would just push for it, everyone bar Orban would fall in line. And Orban can be bought.
So if they where to admit Ukraine into Nato but explicitly exclude the current conflict with Russia, barring nuclear/wmd escalation what issue would there be?
In fact they don’t have to go that far, a workaround was discussed where the definition of Ukraine that was protected by NATO would be an area smaller than the national borders (to exclude the areas where current fighting is occurring, but protect currently peaceful areas like Kyiv). E.g. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/11/ex-nato-chief-proposes-ukraine-joins-without-russian-occupied-territories
Yeah, that’s interesting. The “merc” bit implies it’s a private citizen doing his own thing rather than an official gov’t or military action, but even so…
As would have been obvious to anyone who had been following the war and the skills of the Ukraine military for the past couple of years. An inevitable outcome, really.
I agree. They deserved one of two things in returned for giving up their nukes.
NATO membership.
Or a mutual defense treaty of the style seen in South Korea and Japan - i.e. Ukraine should come under the US nuclear umbrella.
Good to hear that these are already being used