I am with you.
I am with you.
Interesting But what fun is it if not being challenged intellectually after all these years? People obviously want to “level up” gradually into other roles with various tasks.
An important change is happening in many industries/ markets. To make devices easy to repair & enable OS updates many more years for long term use.
If you stand there at the store with this year’s iPhone; take the full price divided by how many years you plan to own/ use it. Then you realize it’s actually relatively cheap.
Each year new products & models are launching, so that those in need of it can aquire them. These companies are delivering OS updates for these smartphones so they last longer as realistically possible.
If when yours is broken or far too old, then you should consider aquiring this year’s model. So that you can use something that is compatible with studies, work, activities etc.
Obviously each individual/ family/ organization does their own analysis regarding if there is a need or desire to aquire said products. Also what for.
City Skylines is where i learned plentiful with so much fun. Soon City Skylines 2 will be released with even more enhancement/ improvements.
It’s valuable knowledge with how-to’s that made me create an account there. I learned plentiful with the people that cared to share.
Most i implemented into my daily life & conditions have become favorable for me.
It’s unfortunate that Reddit Company have refused to collaborate with its users, since years back. Otherwise we would have seen their web & mobile app develop/ innovate in great ways. But they have chosen one limitation after the other. Slowly over the years.
I had a problem once when my laptop display was just black after booting. Triend everything, nothing worked. Return to OEM authorized support. They had my laptop for 4 weeks, so solution. Then just refunded the full price & retuned back the laptop.
Ubuntu LTS since then & no sick or weird issues since.