Yeah, that sounds right.
I tried following Lemmy users on Mastadon. It was a cool to see that it’s technologically possible, but it was not a pleasant way to consume Lemmy content.
Yeah, that sounds right.
I tried following Lemmy users on Mastadon. It was a cool to see that it’s technologically possible, but it was not a pleasant way to consume Lemmy content.
I want to respond to this by saying that it is 100% correct.
Get to know your neighbors. Figure out who can do what. Is anyone undocumented? Is anyone good at fixing things? Who has kids and who is good at watching kids?
The plus side is that if we do this right, we should be able to toss out the Christian Nationalists in a few years. But we’ll have a much better shot at that if we learn how to take care of one another the way we should’ve a long time ago.
I think what you and are picking up on is that youth-coded descriptors are often terms of endearment. They’re often used flirtatiously and towards people of whom you feel protective.
Conversely, adult names imply responsibility. Is it a problem to describe men in a way that implies responsibility and women in a way that implies protectiveness? Not necessarily.
I just think this stuff is linguistically interesting. I think it’s more grammatically typical to use equivalent terms to create parallel construction when comparing the sexes. Again, no judgment is intended.
I just like words and linguistics. No one needs to be the bad guy here.
I think it’s interesting that you are comparing “men” and “girls” as opposed to either boys and girls or men and women.
No judgement. Just thought that was interesting.
Maybe one day we can get there, but right now it might be better for a lot of folks if the default was “I’m not horny”.
But I’m with you on the dream.
I don’t know if this is a hot take, but I think allowing straight and cis people to identify as such is appropriate, because the alternative assumes that we live in a state of default heteronormativity.
If anything, I want to live in a world where homophobes get mad that if they want to be assumed to be straight online they have to identify like anyone else. No one gets assumed to be straight any more. That’s better imo.
What broad coalition?
There was no coalition. It was a campaign by and for white college educated professional women in the suburbs.
That’s not a coalition, that’s a book club.
I’m not sure what the point of this is.
I didn’t know who this specific woman is, but it doesn’t sound like any of this is a secret. For instance, it is public knowledge that Qatar has provided financial aid to Hamas, and serves as a go-between for Israel and the US. Netanyanu famously defended his practice of facilitating these cash transfers.
Also, this all seems sort of secondary when Israel – the US’s close ally – is beginning an extermination campaign in northern Gaza. It’s hard to really discuss any other issue in the midst of what has become a macabre genocide in full view of the international community.
This is the shoddiest “good-cop-bad-cop” routine I’ve ever seen.
I feel like if you think about this for even a minute this seems like the worst possible idea ever.
I mean, sure it’s an achievement. But so is smashing the moon into the Earth.
At least 13, likely less than 19. Where you land is contextual to neighborhood and costume. And any age of you’re with someone under 10.
I’m sure whatever it is it’ll be very fun and funny. I’m looking forward to this.
Okay. I don’t really have anything to add to that. Good luck though.
These are good questions. I don’t know. First, what state are you in? Second, does she have any coworkers? Also, does she know anyone in a similar field? If she went to school, does she know any classmates or teachers who might have advice?
Also: can this be automated? Nowadays, you can have a large language model code a lot of things. Could she instruct one to write a python or bash script to reduce since of the work?
Ultimately, I think she should keep looking for better work. But I know that can be challenging.
This is very stupid in the best possible way
Hell yeah baby
I think that as someone else pointed out, this is just a reflection of their tastes.
In a long running series like this, it’s not surprising that when every show is trying to find new conceptual territory, someone would go this way.
Oh! Apologies, I just saw that someone else said something relevant and decided to post my comment as a reply to them instead of a top level comment. Sorry for the confusion!
I like this observation a lot. Because I was going to say that if we couldn’t conceive of a simulation, we’d probably just speculate about the closest thing we could imagine.