Do you have o2 DSL, o2 fiber, or o2 cable/coax Internet? O2 cable does not have a public IPV4 address by default, you need to request one from customer service.
Do you have o2 DSL, o2 fiber, or o2 cable/coax Internet? O2 cable does not have a public IPV4 address by default, you need to request one from customer service.
You haven’t met my father then :/
It runs all the time and launches during boot. A ring0 anticheat that only runs while the game is running would be even more pointless
Cities Skylines will punish you pretty badly if you don’t have good public transportation and bicycle roads
A few hours for your weekly shopping??? Bruh, you are throwing your life away
That gave way to Plex, which is a webapp to host your local media, which has grown very large and is out of favor. Jellyfin and others have taken up the mantel.
I think you overestimate the prevalence of Jellyfin. Plex is still more widely used, for good reason
except that manufacturers account for that and calibrate such that what you think are 0 and 100% are actually closer to 20 and 80% respectively.
It’s actually the other way around. A safe cutoff voltage to prevent battery degradation is about 4.2V, but most modern phones charge until 4.45V, so they can advertise a bigger battery capacity at the cost of long term battery health. Your phone essentially charges itself to more than 100%
Do you want your ISP to be able to spy on your private pictures when uploading them to your self-hosted server? End-to-end encryption is a no-brainer every time you transmit private data online
Trying to upload high resolution photos (like the 200mp photos taken with my s23 ultra) completely crashes photoprism for me until I stop the docker container and manually delete the images. That makes it unusable for me
If you get an Android TV you can modify it to be ad-free and run pretty much every app you need. Sony TVs use Android TV