I need to check this out, sounds pretty interesting to me. I never tried Honey because it seemed way too shady!
I need to check this out, sounds pretty interesting to me. I never tried Honey because it seemed way too shady!
Given that Gore actually won the election it’s arguable that his concessions towards climate change, that it was real for a start, was the reason the election was close enough for him to lose the election. Voters loved the comforting lie over the hard truth then and they still do.
Especially given the yahoo Trump wants to appoint that doesn’t believe in climate change even in 2024 is pretty damning of our ability to do anything about it.
This is 100% my question. I am assuming to polling was specifically done in an urban environment where there is some public transportation. It makes sense that you’d still have a lot of folks that would still want a car. If this was a more rural poll or would have to be like 99% car.
It’s NC, so it’s bottom of the barrel what is legally required minimum wage. 7.25
And yet a local Domino’s Pizza around here is still offering the same $12 an hour rate and advertising a manager salary of $25k a year! Corporations never learn and people wonder why customer service is so crappy.
AA’s CEO is a Gen X. You have a lot of Gen X with that Greed is Good crap from the 80’s
Was he just trying to avoid being drafted into fighting? I couldn’t pull up the link, it just gives me an error.
Living in a rural town, I just wish I had sidewalks. I could probably walk to a local hospital within 15 minutes. 30 minutes would get me a lot of stuff on that list but there are zero sidewalks for any of that.
I would just settle for sidewalks, where I live in the USA it’s just streets with no sidewalks everywhere. I used to live one mile from where I worked and I could barely even bike there because of crazy car drivers and nowhere to go if someone wasn’t paying attention. Rural America is going to be car dependent for a long, long time.
While a good series without a doubt, it suffers from the tradition of each book being about “100 pages too long” and in need of editing. It would be interesting to see if a newer LLM could do that in a way that would make it a tighter story.