I host my own Matrix server and wow is it ever a terrible feeling, knowing that material from another server just slides its way into mine and gets immediately cached.
I host my own Matrix server and wow is it ever a terrible feeling, knowing that material from another server just slides its way into mine and gets immediately cached.
Containerized holodeck clusters.
Really this should probably be the norm anyway. Why would a holodeck require root access to any vital ship functions if all it needs to do is simulate entirely fake environments and characters?
RSS is one of those things that I grew up always seeing online but never really took the time to understand what it is or how it worked.
Until about a year ago when I set up FreshRSS. Now RSS is like the primary way I consume news online, I can’t believe it took me until current year to get onboard with the concept.
Plexamp seems to tick all the boxes, but yeah that plex pass requirement is a bit of a downer.
Rock of Ages jumps out as an obvious one for me.
They changed their logo gasp
Well that was a heartbreaking start to the weekend
Ah. Yeah I’m trying to find an alternative to YNAB since they keep upping their annual fees but the service works so well for me that the price is probably worth it anyway.
I bounced off of Actual when I realized how clunky its goal templating is. I want to be able to have all my categories fill in a single click but the goal templates are hidden behind an experimental feature.
Yes people, I know you only use bikes and trains and whatnot. But some people neee cars, and you have to respect that. Or are you gonna tell this mother of 2, living in a village, working from office 20km from home, that she would be better off just sticking to the public transport which visits her place once every 2 hours.
The point of this movement isn’t to simply ban cars like that will somehow solve all of life’s problems. Some people use bikes and trains not just because they can, but because they have to.
Cars are a symptom of a pattern of development that makes us disconnected, both from each other and from our needs. It isn’t right that you should have to work 20km from home where the only option you have is to spend monthly payments on a car loan, insurance and gas. You should have the option to work from home, or closer to home, or within reach of easily accessible and usable public transit.
Lidarr also serves as a music organization tool. You can set up rules for folders and how music files should be renamed. It can also apply metadata tags automatically.
It’s a bit of a process to get it going, but it’s worth it for me so that I can use my phone to cast directly without needing to use a smart home device.
I use plexamp as well, I think I bought Plex Pass specifically to have it.
You can install a headless plexamp client onto a Raspberry Pi and have it hooked up to an audio receiver for seamless music casting.
Conservatives are pro small government and anti regulation only when it suits their agenda.
The coolest thing when you start the DLC is that you realize that this whole thing has just been out there the entire time you’ve been playing and you didn’t know it. Then you finally get there and you can play the entire DLC while the rest of the game keeps going without you.
Even if you aren’t a mustard purist, there are so many better things to put on a hot dog before ketchup.
This video made me reinstall cod4 and give the single player another try after all these years.
I don’t think it really holds up very well, even though I have some nostalgia for it.
My interest in gaming plummeted after he passed.
How to avoid being cold: wear a jacket.
If you aren’t testing your backups then you don’t have backups.