And here as well. I decided never to mention it. It’s just how it is, don’t question the laws of science.
Ehemalige DSA-Figur, die es irgendwie geschafft hat, eines Menschen Pseudonym im Internet zu werden.
Former TDE character who somehow managed to become one mans pseudonym on the internet.
And here as well. I decided never to mention it. It’s just how it is, don’t question the laws of science.
If you‘re 97 it’s ok that you aren’t as good in unterstanding your surroundings anymore. Also its alright that your reactions are slow and your vision being restricted. Seriously all of that is fine…
You just need to unterstand that at some point you can’t drive yourself anymore.
Wouldn‘t it be the best thing to make election day a nation wide holiday? Could keep the tradition while also actually allowing people to vote. I doubt that productivity is high on these days nevertheless.
Has this ever been discussed?
And will be for ever.