My dog likes Bluey! And she watches some movies over and over. The person sharing the server knows though.
My dog likes Bluey! And she watches some movies over and over. The person sharing the server knows though.
Yeah, I think so. It could also be cleaning fluid that has pitted and eroded the finish. Alcohol is awful on coated things.
Use a good steam cleaner and enzymatic cleaner that is often used for biological messes like pet urine. The enzymes will break down the odor and remove it.
Don’t mix chemicals together. that can be dangerous.
I tried it and it did absolutely nothing for me I don’t think that enough CBD gets absorbed into the body. When I was a teenager I tried marijuana a few times (the second time was years later and with different people) this was back in the 1980’s and it also did nothing. I thought everyone around me was faking.
I’m 56, wear earplugs at night, and still hear an intermittent electrical noise. It’s not a high-pitched whine, more like a low hum. I live in an apartment complex so it’s likely the wiring. I have hyperacusis.