I love the Berlin transit system. I know I’ve never relied upon it for daily work yet (the longest I stayed was one month), but it’s been so very convenient to get around the city. Normally it’s so easy and quick.
I love the Berlin transit system. I know I’ve never relied upon it for daily work yet (the longest I stayed was one month), but it’s been so very convenient to get around the city. Normally it’s so easy and quick.
It a major reason I’m currently flying back from multiple interviews in Europe. I’m tired of having to drive everywhere when I can find a city that won’t require it the same way.
I also want my kids to grow up somewhere that has a government who protects them more than the US does. Our whole “rugged individualism” attitude is just an extension of Capitalist oligarchy telling us to sit down and take it while they exploit us for money.
Yes, the US has radicalized me and so I’m working to change my situation and my children’s future situations.
My US city’s downtown area is 35% open air parking lot. Another 25% is road surface.
Our city council keeps bemoaning the decay of the downtown area. We keep sending them letters, speaking at council meetings, and advocating for something other than building more car shit.
What was their big “look at how amazing our city is!” thing recently? That’s right! Freeway expansion so people can get downtown faster. I’m sure that’ll fix it.
I bought a 386 motherboard that needed a patch. Not software, but by soldering a wire between two pads. You just basically figure it out and went from there with a soldering iron.
Build the computer from parts? Sure. Soldered it like it came as discrete components? Also sure.
Tech savvy is often in context of when you were learning in your teens to early twenties and then what of that skill set is still applicable today.
Great work, Seoul! Keep taking space back for people. We need it to live, cars don’t need it.
If my city (not a big one) could reclaim one of the four lanes we have going through our dying downtown, it would be a Herculean effort to even do that much.
I’ve been pondering a very similar design. I feel that if I can fix a mirror down and it completely blinds the car behind me using their own lumens, then that’s their problem.
This is a wonderful article. Great work, Paris!
Nowhere because your Waymo car is stuck in a roundabout.
The math doesn’t work. Physics doesn’t work this way. Nothing scales like the proposed future of self driving cars. I know it was the vision of the 1950’s to have a personal vehicle for everyone, but there’s just no way to shoehorn the total volume of vehicles into a city based around people and people-scale areas. We’ve tried and all it does is make a dangerous, shitty, and unhealthy space with a single office building and miles of car storage around it.
This is just another money and power giveaway to Musk and the tech bros that bankrolled the campaign. The sheer scale of the damage it will cause to our cities is going to be generational, not to mention the damage to our planet’s greenhouse gas budget.
I’m up to two family members lost in two different car crashes, every single one was not their fault. Another couple have been severely hurt in car on bike crashes. One of my kids has been hit twice while walking by giant SUVs that just didn’t bother to stop for red lights, fortunately not seriously hurt (yet). I have been knocked over a couple of times off my bike by cars driving into the painted bike lane and backed into one time because they felt like driving their car backwards into a bike lane because fuck cyclists and their safety, right?
Fuck every car centric place on this planet. No argument you can make about why we should be continuing our destructive car centric infrastructure will gain any traction with me.
I’ve been stunned that the Vegas strip doesn’t have some kind of real transit system for decades now.
They didn’t even let the new HSR line come to the Strip itself. It stops outside of the area and people have to taxi in. Why the casino owners weren’t fighting over who got the HSR stop in their casino I’ll never understand. Wouldn’t you want those trains to drop off thousands of possible marks right on your doorstep? No, instead they get dropped in the desert and have to wander to wherever in town.
And only because of government support. Your tax dollars at work.
Desktops: Linux (Mint)
Laptops: Linux (Mint)
Phones: Linux (Android)
Servers: Linux (Debian)
SBC: Linux (Armbian / Raspberry Pi OS)
ESP32/ESP8266: Arduino (I’ve never really taken to MicroPython)
ATMega 328P/etc : Arduino
That’s surprisingly enlightened and humanist. Not all pieces of equipment needed in rough environments should be allowed in non rough environments just because “I needed it out there!”, which is the small minded US logic we seem to be okay living with.
I had to scroll way too far down for this one, but it was the first one I thought of.
Another one would be Gary Indiana
Yes. That’s part of the math. That’s how Ford handled the Pinto. It was decided how much the lawsuits and fines would cost for the exploding cars and since they’d make more selling exploding cars than they’d lose to civil suits or government fines they went with more money and let people burn to death.
I can easily envision execs at for profit hospitals running the numbers on whether a new more percussive strategy would pencil out to raise profits. They’re not in the business of providing healthcare, so it’s just about net profits, your well being be damned.
You do realize that the US alt right propaganda channels like Fox News would salivate over this title, right? They’ll gladly use it to imply that Azov is in the United States for some crazy conspiracy theory reason.
If you’re a professor with a doctorate in Germany, the official way to refer to you is Professor Doctor [last name]. If you hold two doctorates it’s Professor Doctor Doctor.
Professor is also a serious and registered title in Germany. You can’t just start a school and start handing out professorships without oversight and approval.
My city is going to finish a new bus route. They’re hoped for target is September of 2030. They’re just that good.