shooting bison and smallpox blankets say hello
shooting bison and smallpox blankets say hello
I like to ask these people how they’d feel about having an eyelid removed
your eyeball will still work ‘fine’ without it
prefrontal cortex specifically, this isnt new, talk about raising the drinking age to 25 for example is old hat
studies have been done even from 18 to 21 show a marked improvement in the us
doesnt really matter if you want to argue culture or biology or a mix of the two
no i mean scientifically brain development continues past 18 and physical immaturity continues to around 25ish, 18 is way to damn young for some things still
that isn’t just culture
plenty of studies showing even 18 year olds are fucking dumb still
18 is still a kid, all that shit should be at like 25
my issue isnt with the 21 or the 19
if you can join the military at 18…
empathy and a time machine
I personally know a lady that had to leave alabama after two run in with racists at gas stations in a couple months because her mixed race kid
this was in 2020
manager of bullshit that does little to no actual work
lmao, who believes you’ll get any of that and not the post nam treatment
I’ve met so many disabled vets suffering and the va/benefits keep getting worse
my point is it is completely fair to say white America killed the vast majority of the natives
whitewashingly pedantic to blame the gun and not the man pulling the trigger