But what if the insurance company pays for treatment just to save him so he can stand trial?
But what if the insurance company pays for treatment just to save him so he can stand trial?
He could kill himself, maybe with some help from cops.
Can we get a picture of your flower shaped gas pedal?
I go to restaurants, concerts and other shit by myself all the time. I go some Sporting events by myself, even out of town. In fact, I’m going to take a nostalgia road trip and watch an indoor soccer match.
When I was in school, a guy in a car hit me riding my bike in a parking lot. He tried seeing me (my parents more correctly). He ended up paying for my first year of college. It wasn’t that much money, this was a long time ago.
I thought it mistook the semi that was crossing a divided highway as an overpass and attempted to drive under it?
This is correct. Any message sent to a group, should reply to the group by default.
I just talked to an oracle employee. They are using outlook/exchange/teams now and have moved on from Beehive.
The correct response is to reply all when people start bitching. I can usually throw in an “unsubcribe” request in a separate email.
They were also embroiled in a railroad strike a few years back.
They’ll most likely cut shit that helps them personally. Leon doesn’t like the FTC and anything that he thinks is inconvenient to his companies.
Yes that’s what the article says.
We have a couple of those in Minneapolis.
Everyone is coming up with elaborate schemes the government can use to determine if someone really was out of the country when they claimed to be.
can you define ties? Because I don’t see how if I move from state A to state B that they will take income I earn while living in state B.
The federal government is well aware whenever a person enters the country and quite possibly for exiting.
The title quite literally says “If Americans live outside of the US for more than 330 days …” how can you possibly think it means what you think? Especially after two reads.
If you have a burning desire to say anything then “Thank you for letting me know how you feel.”
I never saw that movie but it does sound Hollywoody.