People have been shitting on superhero movies ever since Green Lantern came out, regardless of who made them.
People have been shitting on superhero movies ever since Green Lantern came out, regardless of who made them.
I have yet to see any evidence that Musk is an idea guy.
I’m an idea guy. The ideas he funds are idiotic. My theory is he has a team of idea guys and he asks them what would be cool, then funds it.
AI still struggling with hands I see
Does anyone have a guide or tutorial that can help me make sense of what everyone is talking about here?
Changes my name to McMoney
Looks for rich woman to marry and offer her my last name as incentive
Just rewatched Into Darkness. It still holds up, if the whitewashing doesn’t bother you.
Thank you, but now that I’m more awake I’d have to disagree with you there. You did some magic reading that.
In this setting the art a the mage was reading the battle and estimating you much space you have to channel which spell
Am I just not awake yet or is this incomprehensible
I think this community is more for questions with factual answers that have simply eluded you, not questions where the answers are opinions.
That said…
Ryoji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Mamoru Chiba (AKA Tuxedo Mask) from Sailor Moon - my favorite look of his is when he’s in his brainwashed Prince Endymion form
Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop
Hei from Darker Than Black
Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle
In US.
Given they need different types of hookups, the washer hookup goes wherever the plumbing is, then the dryer is put in the remaining space, wherever that is.
Given that the average laundry room is generally not in the exact center of a house, it makes sense that the washer would consequently often be closer to the room entrance (because that’s more central to the house, where the plumbing is)
Depending on the state, felons can vote if they’re not currently incarcerated.
With the current rules, which he now has 4 years to repeal.
And I am declaring a certain one of those style guides to be correct!
The singular possessive is pronounced “travises.” It’s spelled Travis’s.
If you think I misspelled that, please review page 1 of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style. The use of an s after an apostrophe does not depend on the letter preceding the apostrophe. Rather, the lack of an s after an apostrophe denotes a plural possessive.
Good establishments don’t have their gift cards expire.
Gift cards are great if the recipient often shops at a given store, but the giver isn’t sure what they want.
Let’s say I’ve got a friend who loves board games. I don’t want to get them a board game, because A. They might already have it, or B. Someone else might get them the same one. A gift card to a game store would be the perfect gift for them.
I think the problem in your case was that a Dunkin gift card wasn’t a great gift for you specifically, but the giver was trying, so don’t be too hard on them.
It’s correct without the were. If you added it, the previous comma would need to be a period or semicolon instead.
I didn’t say I hated it.
If I hate a book I don’t finish it.
That 'do is pretty slick though