I like that they say “outdated” stereotypes like they used to be true but now they aren’t.
Come on people, keep your steroetypes current.
I like that they say “outdated” stereotypes like they used to be true but now they aren’t.
Come on people, keep your steroetypes current.
Boomers and SSGNs are stationed at either Kings Bay, GA or Naval Base Kitsap in Washington.
“Southern Nevada” and “Los Angles” are very different.
You probably want to go to a minimum security federal prison. The easiest way to get there that I think of is check fraud.
You’ll need to write a bunch or bad checks in as many states as you can, or send them through the mail. You’ll need to do this a lot, and for a pretty significant amount of money otherwise they’ll just give you probation of some sort.
Having a disability might be a problem though; if it costs too much medically to keep you in prison they’ll just out you back on the street as a compassionate release.
Llamafile is a pretty good option for 100% local LLMs. The smaller models are pretty good for basic applications. They run at a reasonable speed on my Samsung laptop and really fast on my M2 macbook.
That is what should happen when a starting capacitor fails, but it doesn’t always happen as it’s supposed to.
Another possibility is the starting capacitor for the compressor motor is bad.
If the capacitor is bad then the compressor motor won’t actually start, but the fan will still turn on. This will make it seem like the AC unit is running, but there won’t actually be any cooling going on. The fans will still blow air, and it’ll feel slightly cooler because it’s moving air, but it won’t actually be cooler.
Replacing capacitors is pretty easy and not too expensive. However, it can be extremely dangerous so I recommend you leave it to the professionals unless you have some experience working with electricity.
Probably should block @TheEmpororHasNoClothes@mas.to too while you’re at it
Finally, now get to work reverse engineering this marvel so we can use their own technology against them!
The new Prius Prime has an optional rooftop solar panel.
According to an article in Slash Gear you can get about 4 miles of range after 9 hours in the sun.
So it has the potential to marginally increase your range on the scale of a short commute under ideal circumstances, but it’s not much apparently.
That’s 100% true. That’s why I’d like the help from experts to help me avoid being scammed, help me avoid drinking and eating poisoned food, or having to breath unhealthy air.
I don’t always know the full repercussions from the decisions I make so I really appreciate having some expert help. This is especially true of decisions shitty people try to coerce me into making when I’m desperate or emotionally vulnerable.
Do they say what the Illuminati want to terra form NZ in to? Or is just the threat of any kind of terra forming enough?
Llamafile is a great way to get use an LLM locally. Inference is incredibly fast on my ARM macbook and rtx 4060ti, its okay on my Intel laptop running Ubuntu.
That link doesn’t work; I’ll assume it says that he was denied asylum because he committed fraud against an Australian citizen. This doesn’t really provide evidence that his claims of being a spy are false, only that he committed fraud in Australia. It’s definitely a point against his character, but not evidence that he lied about being a spy.
Since you aren’t interested in being skeptical of your sources and jumped on the first thing that seemed to match the narrative you were pushing I found some evidence for you. Oddly enough there’s an entire Wikipedia article about him that goes into pretty significant detail about why his claims of being a high level spy are probably false.
It’s odd that you didn’t see the Wikipedia article, I’m sure you have access to Wikipedia in your country don’t you?
The South China Morning Post said a man claiming to be a former Chinese spy was lying without providing any evidence? Well that’s good enough for me, thanks for busting this myth with all this evidence!
It was a pretty common phenomenon. Wikipedia article about the subject
I think the answer is no even if they own only a single copy (digital or physical) at a time.
This company copies home movies from VHS to DVD. The linked article implies that when you buy a product you’re only buying the format you purchased. So if you buy a physical book you’re only buying the rights to have the physical book, not a digital copy of the book.
Per the map it’s “GDP purchasing power per capita” which sounds inflation adjusted.
A wise person once told me don’t commit misdemeanors while you’re committing felonies.
How can we be sure that isn’t Liberia?