I take loud honks next to me quite personal, when I am on my bike. Carbrain can’t understand, carbrain is sitting in their cage.
I take loud honks next to me quite personal, when I am on my bike. Carbrain can’t understand, carbrain is sitting in their cage.
Looks great! Will it find it’s way into the F-Droid repos?
If you take my city as an example: everything is build around cars, we don’t have any bike lanes. To fix this, they painted those dottet lines on the road, easy to ignore for drivers.
The knowledge that they have to take away space from car infrastructure to repurpose it for sidewalks and bikelanes would be a huge step, because there is simply no other solution. Every expertise the city ordered is saying it, but they still won’t except the facts and try to weasel out with those painted bike lanes.
So in general you are right, one shouldn’t be happy when your gain is based on another beings loss. But in infrastructure planing terms it would simply make the city a better place for everyone.
I do trust Open Whisper and their open source project as well. I also trust Meta to do everything possible to collect even the slightest bit of data possible. Plus as Whatsapp is completely proprietary we don’t know how the solution from Open Whisper was integrated. Why not open source it like Signal does?
Do you think Whatsapp is actually encrypted and isn’t a tool to get more information from its users because Meta pinky promised? Closed source piece of garbage.
Thanks, if my nextcloud solution isn’t working well I will check out Feedbin.
Everything in one place, controled by me, no algorithm, that sounds perfect!
Thank you! With this information I found ‘Nextcloud News’, which seems to be a RSS reader I can use on my nextcloud server.
The amount of RSS reader on F-Droid is overwhelming and some look better than Nextcloud News. But having everything accessible on every device beats design.
That sounds very interesting! Where do I start if I want to build my own RSS feed? Can you recommend any software (foss would be nice)? How do I add a subscription into the Feed?
I agree, but let’s not rest on the thought that there is no alternative to the heavy car use all around the world. We got here by choice of a few and manipulation of many and it is reversible. At least if you are not living in the US, that case is hopeless.
You are saying driving cars for fun is not bad because eating too much meat is bad? Weird argument. I am not blaming cars, I blame people like yourself for our car-centric world. You are blind for the massive negative effect cars have on our day to day life. And a usage based approach is not possible anymore because the car industry has nearly killed every alternative.
But I have still hope that more and more people look around and see the damage this car-centric behaviour is causing. Maybe even you some day. Took me a lot of time as well.
As I don’t have much time, let’s meet at your level: no, he didn’t.
It isn’t harder in an old european style city. It is just not possible without reclaiming space from cars. But that is impossible to imagine for car brains.
Your hobby of ‘driving’ is making the world worse. You can find better hobbies!
“Now try moving between two cities where there isn’t a train line because it isn’t financially viable.”
Congratulations, you found the problem. A train line shouldn’t have to be financially viable. Streets aren’t eather. Let’s vote for better rail infrastructure.
Are you a good driver? Consider the speed limit, leave enough space to the car in front of you, never look at your phone? I wouldn’t want to drive next to 90% of drivers, but i sometimes have to.
Why do you think people on a train are loud, smelly and inconsiderate? I made the opposite obelservation. I met the greatest number of inconsiderate people on the road. Can’t say if they were smelly, but their cars sure were loud.
I am amazed as well. Did they just sub every community with the word ‘car’ in it?
Please explain to me: how is it possible to build a new highway through Berlin but so damn hard to build a railway through rural area?
You are 100% more likely to die in a car accident now. Compare the number of stabbing weirdos vs. bad drivers and rethink your choices.
I know it is not necessarily your opinion, but cars don’t give freedom to people - even if you own one. You pay so much for your car, the society pays a lot for the infrastructure, this infrastructure takes away the freedom from people (especially children) to live and move outside, when you drive you can (should) do nothing else, it’s reputation as individual way of transport blocks expansion of public transit, … every aspect of a car is taking freedom away from you. A car that gives people freedom is a marketing strategy and the opposite is true.
Great habbit to increase the noise level in your town. But everyone is doing it, so it can’t be wrong.
Fucking idiots everywhere, sell your car.