You don’t need to work with the big guys.
Small businesses, managed service, utilities, hospitals all need telecom guys. Ive been out of telecom for years and I still have recruiters occasionally reaching out to me.
You don’t need to work with the big guys.
Small businesses, managed service, utilities, hospitals all need telecom guys. Ive been out of telecom for years and I still have recruiters occasionally reaching out to me.
If you really want IT. Then telecom
Most people in telecom are old and are analog phone people, they don’t know ip/sip and don’t want to learn.
It’s basically a small networking job that you never get calls on nights and weekends about and if you do it’s a system you can reboot remotely. If it’s not the system it’s a switch and its someone else’s job.
Telecom isn’t sexy but it’s still needed, no one’s going into it as it’s not ‘sexy’ and to be honest it’s easy AF.
My algo shows me nonstop car break ins in the Bay area ( for some reason or another) and they have gloves and it’s amazing how quick they shatter.
So would this be a good alternative to Synology photos?
This was the one I wanted to see most out of all their demands
They should really explain what it is for those of us that don’t know
Yeah housing gains do nothing for you if you want to stay in the same area.
Theoretically you’ll have more equity so you can take out loans, but with high interest rates you’ll likely avoid that… and your property taxes will eventually go up since your home value has gone up.
Hate the fact that my house has gained so much.
The Ford method is a good one. I think?
This book gets a lot of shit, probably deservedly so, but I enjoyed the story, but skip over the monologue.
If the uaw gets 32 hour work week included in their union contract I have a feeling a lot of other unions will be forming ASAP.
Every place I’ve ever worked has had a bobafet.
Wouldn’t a 32 hour work week, keeping the same wage, sort of raise the minimum wage by default? I work full time, work less hours, and keep the same wage?
Dude should have run on this vs the the 15 dollar minimum wage.
This would have garnered him more support. I would have door knocked for the old bastard.
Ive always said that the insurance industry will be the one that actually pushes changes since they are ultimately on the hook for the damages.
I worry about what defines a traffic light? Is it just the light or does the pole it’s on count?
My parents forced me to learn in case I ever needed it.
I’d buy one again in a heartbeat if I could. Love the fact that it was easy AF to rock myself out of snow banks
Yup. Finally cleared out my homebrewing setup.
It was just too damn time consuming.
That like four people have as much wealth as 7 billion others.
I’ve got accounts on both but there isn’t an Android kbin app yet, is there?
No idea if those skills would be transferable. I was on the small to mid sized biz side. Never worked for a provider or anything. Mainly managing, installing and configuring systems.
Once you understand the basics of telephony it’s pretty easy. It’s getting more complex now since it’s all ip/sip based but because that’s a skill that is lacking because everyone who does know that wants to be a network or security guy, not the phone guy/gal.
If you are working it now. Figure out who’s doing your phones and express interest in learning. It’s how everyone I know got into it.