There was almost a Mormon Navy?
There was almost a Mormon Navy?
Most people can’t afford to move.
Cars don’t scale.
As soon as there is real traffic, cars become inefficient trains.
If you’re somewhere that doesn’t have much traffic yet, it’ll seem fine, but that doesn’t always last.
If you can make a bicycle work, that’s much healthier and cheaper to own and operate for all those people that can’t afford a car, or don’t want to be indentured to it. Cargo bikes even work fine for groceries, depending on your family size.
Not a problem for the FRC, and 2023-W20 compares just fine with 2024-W20. Same part of the year, and the weekend is in the same spot.
If that were true, intercalary months shouldn’t have been necessary.
Months are the craziest, weirdest, stupidest measure humanity has used for this long. ISO8601 week dates make more sense, or even the French Revolutionary Calendar. Humans organize all of society by weeks, not by months. Compare last January to next January, or last February to next February for metrics. Do they have the same number of weekdays vs weekend days? Even if they do, do they happen at the same point in the month so you can compare the flow of the month? Now compare two weeks, and that’s apples to apples. Group by weeks instead of months and your irregular, bumpy graph smooths right out. We only hang on to Gregorian months out of inertia.
I wouldn’t even notice it as unusual, even though it isn’t my usual order. It could vary by region or profession, or maybe it’s just you that notices it this acutely. In plain English emails and other narrative text, I always use “Sat Aug 31” (adding the year only when ambiguous), which is short but complete, and includes the day of the week, which is much more important to humans than the month anyway.
The portion of people that have these vehicles and fit the very narrow use case that it specifically satisfies is observably very small. People that don’t need a truck often can rent one. As mentioned by others, many of these trucks aren’t particularly good at what they were ostensibly built for. As my grandfather might have said, “those are just for sellin’”.
Judgement is fair, partly because these trucks only exist because of the scam legal definition of “light” trucks, partly due to the climate impact, but most immediately because of how dangerous they are to everyone else.
Gross. I haven’t run into that.
USB-A requires three attempts to connect, C only one.
SNW is so good I’d sooner toss TOS if forced to choose (which I’m not). The musical episode is vastly better than Turnabout: Intruder.
It’s actually meditation, isn’t it?
…unless you’re a horta.
“I came here the easy way: down the stairs.”
“Down the stairs? To Ursa Minor‽ Wow, you must be unbelievably fit.”
The NexDock works, too.