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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • Not only that but from what I’ve heard all Teslas have issues with rain and going through car washes. This is not a car company this is a tech company that tried to make cars. The only reason they have succeeded thus far is because none of the actual car makers were outputting electric vehicles seriously. Now that they are Tesla is doomed cause they’re absolute shit at designing automobiles.

  • if you get an asshole manager or project director that has good surveillance of your workflow. A manager would see the underused time and adjust your workload accordingly to maximize your productivity

    There is no accounting for shitty bosses. And this happens in the office as well.

    I also don’t see why you seem to be arguing against work from home. Most people who do work from home are pretty happy with it, the only ones who tend to not be happy with it are corporate execs. And I’ve already stated why I think they don’t like it.

    And my main point remains the same. The problem is that corporations and companies think they own your time. That is the problem. They are paying you for work they need done, your time is your own. Or at least it should be.

    Honestly, what pretty much all office workers truly need is a union. They all need to unionize and develop contracts with these companies that outline exactly what they can ask of them and what they get in return.

  • If you’re fortunate enough to work in a job that doesn’t care how much of your time is “company time,” and you can work 5 hours a week to get everything expected of you done, that’s great, but I would be quiet about it.

    Ok, first there are no jobs like this. Or, to be more precise, there are jobs like this but they are few and far between and are always in offices where you can make it look like it’s taking a lot of time to get your work done while basically goofing off. And generally speaking they’re hourly paid.

    Salaried jobs, on the other hand, have a pretty rigorous work load. They don’t hire people for a salary position without knowing how much work it takes to get the job done. So whether you are sitting in an office or sitting at your desk at home, the same amount of actual work is required. The only difference is that you don’t waste hours getting dressed up and commuting to your job. This is why work from home arrangements tend to be far more efficient for both the worker and the company.

    The reason these CEOs and managers are trying to force everyone back into offices is to justify their own egos and jobs. There is literally a ton of evidence that work from home jobs are way more productive than work from office jobs. But these egotistical douchebags don’t care. They need to see people slaving away at a desk and to be seen walking through their expensive office buildings in order to feel like they are worthwhile.

  • There is a concept that companies and managers need to wrap their stupid brains around. And that is that they are paying for your work not your time. So long as you complete the jobs and tasks they ask of you and need from you it shouldn’t matter what the hell you’re doing otherwise.

    But they’re dumb Boomer infected brains have been programmed to expect people to sit in cubicles and offices like drones and stare at computer screens all day long. All so rich CEOs can walk through the building and feel more impressive.

    P.S. obviously this is referring to salaried jobs not hourly jobs.