Ah yeah of course. That makes sense, thanks!
Can you not just avoid the problem by not binding any end devices to the bulbs?
Ah yeah of course. That makes sense, thanks!
Can you not just avoid the problem by not binding any end devices to the bulbs?
A Shelly RGBCCT isn’t going to control a GU10 bulb.
Ok I’ll admit my ignorance. Why not?
There’s Qubino Z-Wave devices, and some Bluetooth ones though my experience with those has been a bit dubious. And integration outside of their own ecosystem is still via WiFi (except for sensor beacons which are BLE).
The issue was that using the old mechanical switch would shut down the router in the bulbs. A relay absolutely solves that.
In any case, it seems to be possible to use a Shelly RGBW2 in CCT mode. Here’s an example of how to do it in Home Assistant’s native Shelly integration though OP says there’s also tutorials around showing how to do it via MQTT.
Or a relay switch and keep the existing mechanical switch on top. I like Shelly but there are tons of options.
AW2 is DRM-free. I imagine it can be run completely independent of Epic. You’d need the store to purchase and download it but you could probably even uninstall the Epic app afterwards. I haven’t tested this though, so please don’t just take my word for it.
Such good memories! This is an amazing game!
Agree. RDR2 may not be the best test of high end hardware though, since it was already beautiful on the PS4. It’s just incredibly well optimised.
Ah NFS… It’s so good when it works! When it doesn’t though, figuring out why is like trying to navigate someone else’s house in pitch dark.
I’ve been using glauth + Authelia for a couple years with no issues and almost zero maintenance.
Yes, absolutely. Ideally there would be an automated check that runs periodically and alerts if things don’t work as expected.
Monitoring if the backup task succeeded is important but that’s tue easy part of ensuring it works.
A backup is only working if it can be restored. If you don’t test that you can restore it in case of disaster, you don’t really know if it’s working.
Ah got it. I didn’t know there was a free tier!
How do you use ChatGPT anonymously? It requires a valid login linked to a payment method. It doesn’t get any less anonymous than that.
I fairly constantly need to disable Bluetooth on my iPad so they work on my phone.
If you put the headphones in pairing mode, you can just re-pair with the phone without having to touch the iPad.
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They’re Meross, this one specifically.
I got a couple of PM plugs with Matter support. I can’t pair them with HomeKit or Home Assistant. I spent about 5h troubleshooting this, inspecting network packets and whatnot and didn’t get any closer to having them working.
I’d rather things just had MQTT support. Happy with Zigbee though, as I can route those to MQTT as well.
I don’t think I’ve ever come across a DNS provider that blocks wildcards.
I’ve been using wildcard DNS and certificates to accompany them both at home and professional in large scale services (think hundreds to thousands of applications) for many years without an issue.
The problem described in that forum is real (and in fact is pretty much how the recent attack on Fritz!Box users works) but in practice I’ve never seen it being an issue in a service VM or container. A very easy way to avoid it completely is to just not declare your host domain the same as the one in DNS.
I have high hopes for Matter but as it stands today it’s a pretty big mess and usability is generally horrible.