Pellet gun dude
Pellet gun dude
We wrote it wrong on purpose, as a joke.
Time is a flat circle
The efficient use of memory is an efficient use of memory.
Make it even jankier with uncalculated variables.
I’m just an old fart programming a neopixel as a hobby.
SJWs are ruining everything
I just write scholars m8 on my hand
You could just have that weird golden cumshot on your forehead.
“I want the male Klingons in black face”
The chode theory of urban planning
I think it showed that the series would require characters to think outside the box. It’s not about being smarter or technologically advanced. It’s subtle, like real life.
Why, it set a more philosophical tone for the series. He’s a villain that’s completely unbeatable so your only choice is to make him bored so he goes away.
Spicy maymays
Remember in the old Internet days there was that programmer that designed his own sleep coffin so he could take naps in his cubicle?
That’s the technical language used to refer to a limit. Take it up with a calculus book
It’s called a limit and it is very much coneptualized in math.
I switched to cash last week.