You can, actually . They both contain similar protein compositions and both contain anticoagulant albumin.
Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude…
You can, actually . They both contain similar protein compositions and both contain anticoagulant albumin.
Exactly, then having to go through a thick-ass manual to find out what code it is. Oh, I just need to move a jumper…
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What you’re asking for is, as far as my basic college understanding of physics goes, pretty much impossible. You’re asking for a perpetual engine, looping electrolysis and catalyzing hydrogen and oxygen, creating energy at a net positive. This is impossible in terms of the laws of energy conservation. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form into another. Basically, you will only ever get what you put into it. Moreover, in real world applications, you will lose energy to things like heat runoff.
The reason hydrogen works as a fuel source is because of its potential energy. Hydrogen really wants to bond with things. Same thing with oxygen and so they have a high potential energy. However, combine hydrogen and oxygen into water and you’ve got a basically inert molecule that then takes a lot of energy to break back apart. That energy is then converted back into potential energy. The problem again is that this relies on your engine being a perfect system, which can’t exist in practical, real world applications. You WILL lose energy in the reaction in any real world scenario. Meaning you will alway need to put more energy into the system. Thus, always returning a net loss.
That’s kinda why we haven’t gotten fusion reactors working quite yet. Solve that problem and you’ve solved the world’s energy crisis.
I was legitimately surprised at how well they handled it. Literally my only complaints are that they changed the pronunciation of some character names, like Rena was changed from “Reen-uh” “Rain-uh.” Dias seems to be called Diaz by some voice actors. And they changed Gyoro and Ururun’s names to…
Creepy and Weepy…
And the voiced dialogue makes for some very “Inuyasha-Kagome” moments…
Star Ocean The Second Story R has been an excellent remake so far if you want another
I never could beat it as a kid either. It was just way too complex. I loved just wandering around and exploring though, and the music is one of the best game soundtracks ever!
The parents are playable characters, Xemn the father, and Meyna the mother.
They’re all characters from a great game called Legacy of the Wizard.
Considering how long we’ve had nuclear power and how short a time electricity has widely been in use, 2000 years is a crazy long time. Given how quickly we’ve developed power generation technology, it’s highly likely that we adopt other technologies like solar, wind, and hopefully fusion reactors long before we run out of uranium.
Oh, I’d so love to go for a Halloween show! That’s gonna be sick! My wife and I went a few months ago for my birthday. Talked to the head of the group after and they’re doing Shock Treatment soon!
Because there’s a socially acceptable acceptable age for some things… How would you feel if a fat, bearded, 40-something man like me came to your house trick or treating, no kids in tow, just me by my lonesome?
I’m not saying don’t have fun as an adult. God knows life is mundane enough. You want to dress up for Halloween? Go ahead! I know I will be! There’s just something off putting to me about adults going door to door begging for candy. I’m just saying it’s kinda weird.
Nah man, that’s definitely weird. I stopped around 13-14. After that, my friends and I got together for parties.
She’s old enough to buy her own candy, it’s time to quit mooching and creeping out the neighbors.
I set a goal for myself to get through as many of Stephen King’s books as I can before the end of the year. To date, I’ve gone through over half of the Dark Tower series, The Shining, Dr. Sleep, It, Later, Under The Dome, Bag of Bones, Desperation, If It Bleeds, and I’m working on The Stand right now. Most of them are quite long, 15 - 50ish hours.
If you’re not into horror, I still highly recommend The Dark Tower series. The recordings for the first 5 books are over 100 hours. They unfortunately had to change narrators in the 5th book, as the original sadly passed away. He did an amazing job at bringing the characters to life.
If It Bleeds is a short story collection, but it contains a sequel to King’s The Outsider, followed by Holly, which just came out last month.
Send them holiday cards. You don’t have to put anything in them, but write a little something nice. They’ll appreciate it, and it’s a nice, mature alternative. Most people only get bills and ads in the mail. Getting a card is nice and unexpected.
I’ve said in the past that something was clearly wrong when he bought Twitter. His behavior was far too targeted. It’s all way too obvious.
Game collecting
What started out as picking up C64, Atari, and Nintendo games in the 80s and 90s has turned into a collection of thousands of games totalling tens of thousands of dollars…
Thanks for the info. Quickest uninstall since getting a new phone and removing Facebook. I’ll be waiting for the morality police to come pick me up any moment now…