In November 1988, I traveled to Yugoslavia and met the Medjugorje visionaries who claim that Mary, the mother of Jesus, appears to them.
Updates: Yugoslavia no longer exists. I am now an atheist.
In November 1988, I traveled to Yugoslavia and met the Medjugorje visionaries who claim that Mary, the mother of Jesus, appears to them.
Updates: Yugoslavia no longer exists. I am now an atheist.
Our cat has been trying to kill us for 21 years. He wasn’t feeling well recently, but after a vet visit and meds, I knew he was feeling better as soon as he darted across my path and I almost tripped.
I’m a woman, and what bothers me is when the woman is not believable in that role. Men are generally stronger than women – that’s just a fact. But some women are exceptionally strong and trained in combat. If you’re going to cast someone in a role that’s supposed to show us a strong woman, then for fuck’s sake, she’d better be a strong woman, not a gorgeous woman who just looks great in a tank top and a sheen of sweat. It’s obvious she would be easily overpowered by any of her male opponents, but we’re supposed to believe that she’s kicking all their asses.
Someone else suggested Alien would be accused of wokeness had it been released today. I don’t think so. Ripley was just a regular, somewhat fit woman, and the things she did were believable for someone with her physique and level of training. That’s why that movie works.
I’m terrified of going into lakes and rivers because of what might find its way into my skin.
Ariat boots + Spenco insoles + wool socks have kept my feet happy working on concrete for years, in both hot and cold conditions.
I appreciate that in The Last of Us, they touched on the subject of menstruation. She had a box of tampons in her pack, and I think they scored some TP too at some point.
I wonder what his wife thinks.
I always assume that the menu card is filthy but I never even considered it may have gems from someone flossing with it. 🤮
Edit: I meant germs but gems could work in the sarcastic sense.
We finally have new windows and sliding glass door on our fixer-upper.
What a tweest!
Not sure where you are but some US states already have laws in place for “death with dignity.” And of course some European countries too.
When I’m out and about and I see parents dragging their whiny kids around, I’m filled with such relief I have peace and quiet in my life.
Funny you gave him the title of Knight of the Sofa. He had a spot on the back of our couch that is still dented to this day from his constant weight on it.
Sir Kitty was sensitive to the tone of my voice. If I was arguing with my husband, and especially if I was crying, he would come over, get on my lap if he can, and yell at both of us. (RIP July 2020, age 16)
Here he is looking like he’s comatose.
Pez used to use her front paws to hold her tail up so she could groom it. I know it’s not super unusual, but she was the only one of our three who did that. (RIP November 2019, age 17+?)
Here she is in the middle of a sneeze.
Murphy likes stinky socks and shoes. (Still kicking at 20+)
Leia does not want her food given to her. She wants to earn it.
I need to see pics of you two!
I’ve often wished for a searchable brain. No more not being able to think of that thing or someone’s name or what exactly happened when.