I am a part of your nickname.
I am a part of your nickname.
Kurwa bober
I want Spotify to add an option that let me opt out of russian music recommendations. I only listen to english or ukrainian music but the algorithm wants me to listen to russian musics. I am really sad because i enjoyed discovering new music by using the radio feature.
I can tell you that if you give me a gun to fight in my neighbor country where I have nothing to gain and high probability of dying I will just shoot every ranked officier i see. It is exactly what said a russian lawyer that defend russian dissidents. They never call him to go to war thanks to that.
Counterfeit alcohol even exists for ukrainian brand. Depending where you buy your bottle you might end up with something tasting like спирт
In french you can say états-unien and you might translate it as States-nan
Just take your time and it will be fine. Also use something in plastic like a fidelity card to open it, if you use something in metal you will damage the shield.
Does anyone know why there are so much static before the collision ? Is it caused by jamming ?
Every game supporting the SD is a good news, I was just fucking around ;)
I can’t wait to not play it !
I forgot about that :D