Potentially. They are denying it’s true, and I don’t think any more evidence has come out besides this one claim.
Potentially. They are denying it’s true, and I don’t think any more evidence has come out besides this one claim.
I became a paying subscriber for kagi today. The way I justify the cost is it’s saved me time digging up technical information at work and that increase in efficiency is worth money to me. Also, I hate ads and SEO crap, and $5 isn’t really that much these days. I’m trying to reduce my reliance on Google so it’s nice having an actual superior search experience, even if I have to spend a little money for it.
I’m still on my trial period but I think I’m going to pay when it runs out, I’ve been really happy with it so far. I think it’s saved me a good chunk of time at work I would have wasted digging through Google SEO crap so it feels like it’s worth spending a few bucks on.
Thanks for the link!
Can you share your argument with Stross? I’ve always enjoyed his writing.
I actually just login to all of my different accounts regularly to keep track of things. Nearly all spending flows out of two cards so mostly I watch them and just compare to actual cash on hand to maintain a certain balance. Anything excess gets periodically transferred into investment accounts. I’ve never really felt the need for tracking beyond this, I tried Mint for awhile once but I think my needs are just really simple. I know roughly how much money is where at all times and I can get the exact details within a few second if I have a phone or computer, that’s good enough for me.
I don’t remember the numbers but their ads division has been showing massive growth over the past several years, they make billions selling ads these days.
That was quite the rabbit hole, I had no idea a global cabal of neonazi “Satanists” was spawned in Shropshire back in the late 1960s. I poked around Amazon and you can still currently purchase their books, which look completely ridiculous but have mostly positive reviews.
MSG isn’t “bad” at all, it’s just another ingredient really. The campaign against it was entirely bullshit that was driven by racism against Asian people because it’s a common ingredient in Chinese food.
I paid $15 or something like that in the first wave of the Kickstarter. The most recent time I tried to play was within the past few years, maybe last year. I remember I found it frustrating because I had no idea what to do so I ran around trying to find my ship, I think I rode on a subway kind of thing to a big empty spaceport. I never actually made it into space before I gave up and uninstalled it again because it was so boring and frustrating.
That may be what happened but Reddit management definitely knew about what was going on because they created a special “Pimp Daddy” trophy just for that one mod as a kind of public reward for his work. Reddit was complicit to some degree.
Same, or use the fingerprint reader.