Riker is playing the trombone again, omg sploosh
u/collegefurtrader from reddit, former mod of r/skookum, keeper of the sacred lathe Hamatu.
Riker is playing the trombone again, omg sploosh
To appeal to a wider/older audience I assume.
“Omg this show is immoral because they fuck!”
This calls for a warrant canary on a remote server.
This guy right here, officer
When productivity is measured in lines of code:
do {
if (!edge) {
} while {
It would be Aldi
With gusto
What a rollercoaster
It’s obvious that the inertial dampers never fail 100%
INB4 the whole russian army is a deepfake video
If the inertial dampers fail, wouldn’t the seat belt just cut you in half anyway?
Eeww that sucks
What’s a digital door
Theres a lot of places I would gladly insert a lot of things if it stopped aging
“If you can’t explain it to a five year old, you don’t actually understand it yourself”
No offense intended, because I couldn’t explain this to an adult either.
Coolant leak, I presume.
Why would you want to?
Analogous to taste maybe
How does it feel to be so wrong about mushrooms?
If it was that easy wouldn’t there be a lot more clone armies