Mine seems to have plenty of capacity left but has trouble powering my xr glasses below 60% if I’m gaming. Also if it’s cold it will shut off under load until it’s warmed up. I got mine really early around May 2022 I think.
Mine seems to have plenty of capacity left but has trouble powering my xr glasses below 60% if I’m gaming. Also if it’s cold it will shut off under load until it’s warmed up. I got mine really early around May 2022 I think.
Yeah, I think at the peak 5700 where $800-1000 while 3080 where like 2.4k. Things where crazy lol
One of my biggest regrets when purchasing pc components was not buying a 2080 two weeks before the 3080 came out. I ended up stuck with my rX 5700xt in my new build for like 2 years until prices came back down.
There shtick is privacy. They are selling privacy oriented machines which is a value add for people who need device privacy but don’t have the bandwidth to to setup and audit everything themselves. The service they are selling is more privacy then value budget hardware.
I haven’t looked at there stuff in while. They have really compelling devices. There a bit too pricey for me at the moment.
My understanding is that they are making new version based on opengamepadUI. I made a video playing around with it on a steamdeck running EndeavorOS with opengamepadUI installed as a DE. It’s very alpha so IDK how it’s going to work for them. https://makertube.net/w/1JtXgbupmgcjJbRD4o7Wpa
It’s $500 for a 7840u. It’s not bad IMO. https://neo.manjaro.org/#specs
I’m excited for this handheld. I’m planning on picking one up just to support more foss based hardware.
If anyone is interested in a similar project check out open-game-pad-ui. It features a plug system for stores. Right now there is only steam and flatpak but eventually there could be other stores. It’s really not ready to be daily drive but it is functional.
So there revenue model is to sell the os to OEM and offer support? Good luck with that.
Oh, damn I have one of these in one of my systems. I’m going to have to find it now and replace it. :(
Maybe, I think it’s designed like that to maximize shade. Which is important in phoenix. I think it would be nice to have a lot more mesquite and palo verde trees but dumb people complain about them when they the flower because the make a tone of pollen. Also the mesquites make huge messes of tree sap and mesquite beans.
Because it’s expensive and sucks if you live in a city. Also, most can’t afford a house out in the suburbs anyways.
Yeah, I’m in Arizona like the other guy.
Mines out for delivery today. I’m so hyped. I got the special edition one.
edit: Just got it. It’s beautiful
Supposedly Orange Pi is working on some.
I think krita has an animation module and blender has the new grease pencil. I don’t have experience with ether or 2d animation though.
I’ve started doing keto for a few weeks now and I’m now convinced that carbohydrates are the devil. lol
Also, accidentally deleting all your valuable data without a working backup is a valuable lesson that I like to take the time to re-learn every few years.