Let’s be real, has Trump ever been to a national park? Like really been to one and not just popped in for a speech or photo op? Has he ever, in his entire sad life, been on a fucking hike? Been farther than 500 ft from the next nearest human? These places aren’t even real in his mind, they’re just concepts. It’s impossible to really imagine consequences to actions against concepts. He’ll absolutely make our parks private property if given the chance. Don’t like it? Too bad, go get rich and buy your own national park, nobody’s stopping you.
I hope he and Elon live long enough to end up in the bread lines they’re going to cause.
Jared Diamond wrote about it in Collapse, where he covers how we handle extractive industries and how we could better regulate them. That’s where I learned about it. I tried finding an article about it, and I could find stuff talking about the policy indirectly, but nothing directly about it.