It’s abundant on the moon. It can be mined. There’s another space race going on. We don’t hear about it because the west isn’t winning. And we’re in the middle of another cold war where propaganda must control the narrative.
It’s abundant on the moon. It can be mined. There’s another space race going on. We don’t hear about it because the west isn’t winning. And we’re in the middle of another cold war where propaganda must control the narrative.
It’s not a question. It’s an opinion massaged into an question so you will have to hear how shit it is because otherwise you wouldn’t.
I don’t think it’s really uncomfortable to say but whatever.
There used to be a digital social contract that we were all stewarding a global information database. That was before the era of “inflluencers” and information arbitrage. In other words people deriving monetized content from other content. Why would anyone want to do the leg work for some random jerk to take all for personal gain.
The whole proposition is a negative spiral. The paradigm changed from stewardship to something shit. This scroll zombie thing or whatever. We have the few users who are the “creators”. Everyone else are consuming whatever is fed to them. It has discouraged people from thinking for themselves and maybe even adding something to the pot.
One thing I’ve noticed the git repo snipers. People will camp on forks looking at your work. If you don’t submit to upstream then someone else will copy your patch(es) and make a pull request.
Also more generally things I do that I don’t publish to posts/blogs is liable to be sniped. So might as well keep it to myself unless I’m will to go the full mile making a big show of staking ownership.
Nothing happened. The generational war another facet of culture war. It doesn’t make sense because you have to ask what the fuck happened to Gen X? Why don’t they fit into the picture? Why doesn’t the data add up? That should tell you something. Your experiment is flawed. The culture war doesn’t make sense.