It doesn’t, but I have had that argument thrown at me almost verbatim by someone who identified as bisexual after I mentioned that I’m less attracted to masculine than feminine.
It doesn’t, but I have had that argument thrown at me almost verbatim by someone who identified as bisexual after I mentioned that I’m less attracted to masculine than feminine.
Not necessarily, because I don’t separate trans from cis, though some people do. It’s really a personal preference. Pan feels like a more inclusive term to me than what bi does.
I refer to myself as pan for two reasons. First, I believe that gender is a spectrum and there’s more than two of them. Two, to me bisexual implies equal attraction to both the masculine and feminine, and I’m less attracted to the masculine than I am to the feminine end of the scale.
Really, pansexual is being attracted to the the person, regardless of their gender identity.
Red Panda. I want to steal one from the zoo every time I go.
You’ve gotten a few answers already that explain what it is, but a lot of the discussion misses the “why” of the situation. There’s a strong anti-US government part to the whole situation that basically says “if you’re going to ban tiktok in the US because you’re afraid of China getting our data/controlling the algorithm then we’ll just join a social media site whose servers are actually in China!” It’s a big FU to the government.
Ahh. Sorry, sometimes it’s hard to catch the tone of a comment. Thank you.
I’m aware. That doesn’t negate the fact that the comment I replied to is incorrect.
My kid can use his steam account on my computer or his deck while I’m on my deck and use our shared library. The only limitation is we can’t both play the same game.
I went into that movie having only seen the poster. What a fucking ride!
I did not know this. Might have to give it a try.
Had a friend ask me if I was going to play Path of Exile 2 when it comes out, so I decided I should probably play the first one.
Depending on whether the video creator has allowed it, long press on the video and select “save video”.
Parts of the serialized story were fleshed out and became Dune.
I mean, none of that is true, and Herbert stated he had parts of Messiah and Children written before Dune was even finished.
In the forward to Heretics of Dune: “Parts of Dune Messiah and Children of Dune were written before Dune was completed. They fleshed out more in the writing, but the essential story remained intact.”
Well, they certainly are revolting, I’ll give you that.
That makes sense, if that’s what he was saying.
If you’re even a little technically inclined the 64GB model and a 1TB SSD can be cheaper than the 512GB model.
Ok. I didn’t argue against any of what you said, just gave my reasons for using the label that I do. I have met trans/NB exclusionary bisexuals, and that turned me off to using that label for myself. If other people use bisexual to describe themselves and mean it to encompass attraction all possible gender identities then that’s great!