Sounds like it’s time for Vetinari to have a word with them.
Sounds like it’s time for Vetinari to have a word with them.
That’s working under the generous assumption he was there to protect American ideals, and not to fulfill his dream of shooting brown people.
Farrah Fawcett as Faucet: An automatic faucet
🎶In the not too distant future…🎶
Especially when he has to keep taking time off work to suffer Horrors Beyond Human Comprehension™
Russian puppet spouts Russian propaganda, more at 11
I’m not sure they expected no one to think it was foul play, but I’ll bet they expected not to see any consequences, which historically has been a very safe bet for them to make.
Unless they’re responsible for a crime, then suddenly they’re a faceless abstraction, and you can’t charge those with anything silly!
I should mail the CIA every once in a while, let them know I have fewer than ten ICBMs. Keep them on their toes.
Absolutely. “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” Nothing’s going to change overnight. We can only hope to move in the right direction.
Gotta appreciate Valve continuing to be a master class in how a successful company should behave
It’s kinda funny how they introduced warp drive harm as a sort of analogy for fossil fuels and the damage we’re doing to our own planet, then slowly stopped talking about it because it wasn’t convenient to the plot.
I’ll have the spam spam spam spam spam spam eggs and spam, but no eggs.
For Sisko, thinking of baseball might make it worse.
Is it just me or did Tuvix look… unwell? I feel like if Janeway hadn’t merked them the leukemia would’ve.
See also: Tsundere
Wikipedia? Nani the fuck?
Just remember each individual word and phrase in the English language, easy peasy!
unless it’s not their real name at all 😮
Please don’t commit any war crimes…
With the Frizz? No way!
Welcome to the future! No need to shape your own world views, they will be determined for you by The Algorithm™