Netanyahu is an avowed ally of Germany and Germany has rebuked all calls of genocide.
Netanyahu is an avowed ally of Germany and Germany has rebuked all calls of genocide.
Everyone is a drama queen attention seeker who seeks labels and victim status instead of a personality. We used to actually call these people on Tumblr “snowflakes”, which is where the term originated.
Trauma is real. Negative feelings are not trauma.
-Sir Alexander Fleming (guy who discovered the anti-biotic properties of penicillin)
-Sir Isaac Newton or alternatively, Gottfried Leibniz (they both independently of one another invented Calculus roughly around the same time)
-Bill Watterson
Are the 2 extra buttons for custom mapping or do they serve an intended purpose? What inputs do you recommend mapping the extra buttons on the left side to?
The leverless design allows you to move faster as well, if you’re holding back, you can also hold forward and then release back, meaning there’s no travel time between moving the stick from back to forward.
What was stopping them from just hucking grenades over to the Germans to begin with? You don’t typically have to exploit trust of the enemy on the battlefield to throw a grenade.
They’ll have to keep making the same juvenile milquetoast commentary and regurgitated gaming news on a different youtube channel. Half of their traffic can be attributed to Alanah and her drama that has nothing to do with their content.
Guys is 100% gender neutral.
Also, can’t go wrong with the old standby “Stay Fresh, Cheesebags!”
Image unrealistic. The Western Communists aren’t jerking each other off.
We’re all here on Lemmy anyway, so it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
Why is the Kremlin worried about political strategy when Putin is the only name on the ballot?
We got a coalition of the willing, son!
Make American vodka superior to Russian.
I’m going to watch this video later tonight, but I sincerely wonder what the US and NATO’s protocols are for rogue nuclear nations led by someone with nothing to lose.
Pretty much all macro organisms on Earth will die. A nuclear winter would destroy all agriculture on Earth and basically eliminate all photosynthesis.
I don’t know if I would bet the extinction of all life on Earth save for the most resilient bacteria on that assumption.
Suppose that through the Russian government’s kleptocracy, that after they spent billions on mansions and stolen exotic cars, that they put the rest into maintaining their nuclear arsenal.
I consider “culture” to have a deeper meaning to a population, at least moreso than “my dick’s cut, so my kid’s gonna have a cut dick because I’m not aware of basic hygiene practices!”
By analyzing how the values on the Sun Dial would change throughout the year due to the precession of the Earth’s axis, you can infer the length of night. However, once we realized that quartz is really good at defining a second, we were able to use oscillation as a means of telling time without sunlight.
Wash your dick. Are circumcised men not washing their dicks?
And they all have the CEO of the company that makes the firing pin on an AK47 on speed dial. It was the 90s.