Yeaaahhhhhh… I’m going to say both the soldiers and National Assembly are chads here. I don’t think it was incompetence. It was malcious compliance.
Yeaaahhhhhh… I’m going to say both the soldiers and National Assembly are chads here. I don’t think it was incompetence. It was malcious compliance.
Need to mount the camera so your guitarist isn’t always shifting to keep in frame.
A fuckton is 2000 fucking pounds. A fucktonne (note the spelling… metric) is 1000 fucking kilograms.
Absolutely true, it was mostly just a response to the “rest of the world” part of the grandparent’s comment.
Old thread is old, but there’s also /r/mustangscrashing on “the other site”.
Fun fact, many if not most of those ambulances are made in Canada, and not the USA.
My last two offices had showers. No communal room, but the thing I remember most about the last one is the hot water being pumped from the furnaces of hell itself. It took so long go get there, and was so hot once it did I can’t think of any other explanation.
Oh yeah, completely agree as long as it’s done by the car with no telemetry or anything. When it comes to features like this my big worry is always privacy. The safety is a good thing.
My car turns off cruise control if you look away from the road for any length of time.
The highest speed limit in the USA is 137kph or 85mph. 148 is not a lot higher, and people tend to be stupid.
My car had a recall on it for braking too much. Probably a software issue that can be fixed, or has been fixed in newer models.
It is relatively easy. My 2019 Mazda3 does this already when cruise control is on. Its front manufacturer logo is a radar device, and there are a few more on the car. Making it full-time should be easy enough.
Yellowknife is actually just 1 degree colder in the winter than where I live. There are colder cities in the arctic, though…
But yes, people need to toughen up.
Ironically, that’s not helpful with biking, I bike year round and keep warm. Works okay for walking and such, though.
It’d be great here but I fear it won’t get much traction 'cause it’s usually well below 0 by late October. People here don’t like cold :(
Vista >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11.
I think you mean “dyaaadddddd…”
Yep, at least in Canada “pavement” is either a sealed asphalt road surface, or the walking path in a garden or public park. Never the footpath on the side of a road, that’s a sidewalk or footpath.
A more common term for them here is “brodozer”. A portmanteau of “bro” and “bulldozer”.
And your instance. They update at different rates.
I’m sure it’ll be something to do with kangaroos being taught to respond to commands in German.