You’ve already pissed enough of my rights away thanks.
You’ve already pissed enough of my rights away thanks.
Nothing. Not a damn thing that i suspect is by design. In my opinion it’s smoke and mirrors to distract from the fact that they support underage sex by older men through child marraige.
Did you know only 4 states in the u.s. require both parties be 18 and provide proof? Did you know there are 10 states where there is no lower boundary in age for the child? Did you know the lions share of child marraige involves an older man taking a female child as their bride through “parental, judicial, religious, or pregnancy exceptions.” The pregnancy exception is really interesting considering a child cannot consent… but if you get married after its all gravy…
“In the United States, child marriage is a pervasive issue with devastating domestic consequences. Between 2000 and 2018, almost 300,000 children were married in the United States alone, with approximately 30,000 to 60,000 of those marriages occurring at a spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime.”
Republicans support child marraige while insisting Democrats are paedophiles, presumably to create a smoke screen for themselves. It’s always projection.
Cause he’s one of the few that actually give a shit. Its why the DNC did everything in their power to scuttle his primary run. Can’t have a president that actually wants to help the common American cause then the corporate overlords might lose their stranglehold on them.
Can you show me a single peice of Republican sourced legislation that aimed to improve the average Americans situation? Also for a bonus round feel free to justify how bathroom bans and creating a trans panic help the average American since it’s a major priority of the Republican party. Both sides are the same if you are a gullible dunce, sure…
My experience with “both sides are bad” type people is that they don’t typically think too hard on the reality of the nonsense they drivel and instead assume it must be that way because it’s what they’ve heard. How about giving us even a single example of democrats attempting to invalidate broad swaths of votes to disenfranchise republican voters like Republicans do. Or even trying to pass legislation to overturn vote results they don’t like, like Republicans have done in several instances since 2021. Can’t let the people decide what’s in their interest, they might not vote “right”.
Hell that and propaganda are pretty much the reason the party is alive, what with if being filled to thee brim with traitors and seditionists that continue to lie and obfuscate their parties coupt attempt. Oh yeah how many times have Democrat’s tried to steal the head of our democracy? I know two off the top, January 6th where they weren’t successful and the 2000 election where the Supreme Court overstepped their bounds after Republicans staged the brooks Brothers riot and handed GW the win despite margins being razor thin, far closer than trumps loss in 2020. Maybe look at the players there, you will probably see some overlap in the enablers and perpetrators of the J6 coupt attempt. Who is Roger Stone, right?
In any case if you’re going to pretend to care about the average American, if there’s any legitimate interest there, maybe take the time to know you’re not just making things worse yourself. At this point a vote for Republicans is a vote against the interest of the average American. If you think otherwise feel free to give examples.
Its funny how schizophrenic your posts are from thread to thread.