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Cake day: November 13th, 2023

  • I’m gonna hazard a guess that, while local sandwich shops have quality, speed, and razor-thin margins down to an artform, a major fast food franchise is better suited to the task. The major reason being: logistics. A country-wide chain is probably at or close to the scale needed to qualify as a military contractor in this capacity. Nevermind the quality of the food, we’re talking about the ability to move a stupendous amount of calories around. Assuming the photo is of a mobile kitchen, well, that would be the easiest part of all this.

    Meanwhile, something familiar from home is bound to be a boost to morale.

  • People don’t realize what constraints props departments are under, or for that matter, how little it takes to impress a camera.

    IMO, everyone should binge-watch Adam Savage’s YT channel before putting down serious money on a movie prop. A shocking amount of this stuff is basically made to survive the production time-frame, and little else.

    Also: congrats with that brief brush with stardom. That’s hilarious. Next time, you should seriously lead with “I threw up on Matthew Broderick once.”

  • There was so much to campus life that just felt natural and just ridiculously, offensively, convenient.

    • Practically everyone is roughly the same age as you, and that group is thousands strong (depends on where you go).
    • Just drop in on dorm rooms and say ‘hi’ to friends, whenever.
    • Dining is usually very close by.
    • Lots of entertainment options, most days of the week.
    • Included access to showers and fitness facilities (varies).
    • Free bus travel with student ID (varies).
    • Student ID discounts at some retail (varies).

    The fact that we refuse to build communities outside of school with these features, just boggles the mind.

    I’ll add that this is practically impossible to replicate in adult life until you get into a “retirement community”. And like college, those are ridiculously expensive too. If you’re an undergrad and barely old enough to drink: I urge you to please live these days to the fullest. It’s tragic but you really won’t get another moment like this again.

  • What a nightmare. It’s bad enough that the Russian army is treated like cannon-fodder by their own leadership. But institutionalized abuse and hard-core hazing? I’m actually kind of shocked. I guess this is about as strong an argument for the importance and efficacy of leadership modeling that you can find.

    And sometimes the military guys are waiting at the graduation event, to scoop you up before you can even leave the building.

    “In Russia, fraternity rushes you.”

  • Russian troops are all dependent on commands from an officer!

    To me, that sounds like they never updated command and communication strategies from, oh… the 18th century? This works great where you have regimented battalions with muskets and bayonets, all lined up on a single battlefield with clear lines of sight. But introduce so much as an opposing guerilla unit or machine guns (let alone tanks, air support, and artillery you can’t even see) and it all goes to hell in a hand-basket.

  • I see the argument that OP is quoting but I’m left wondering one thing: if most folks in the countryside could travel to a “big” city in three hours, what business would they conduct? Outside of tourism, that is.

    My understanding is this would be most useful to middle-men and business people, but the common man wouldn’t have much use for it.

    Edit: or is the (implied) application bigger than passenger rail?