Three midday photos of the major city and there are maybe 10 cars or buses visible between them.
Three midday photos of the major city and there are maybe 10 cars or buses visible between them.
The fingerprinting I’m talking about gets encoded in the screen recording too. Subtle pixel changes here or there over the entire length of the video. It’ll be lossy when it’s transcoded, but over the whole video it’s there enough times it won’t matter. Even scaling to lower quality won’t fix it and then it’ll also be lower quality.
It’ll be like DRM, there will be people trying to remove it like anything else. They’ll break one thing and another will come along. There would still be a black market, but most people can get an unrestricted copy in exchange for money so there’s one less reason to pirate.
Unless you’re actually pointing a camera at the screen, then OK, you do you.
They could offer a way to download a copy and steganographically tag it to hell with your id so that they know if you distribute it. You can “loan it out” by letting friends stream off your Plex or whatever. If you start selling that streaming service or it shows up in torrents, it has your ID on it.
Boom, you own it forever and you’re incentivized not to over share.
Or you know sell DRM free versions and let people do whatever, but that probably has a snowballs chance in hell.
X gon’ give it to ya Fuck waiting for you to get it on your own X gon’ deliver to ya Knock knock, open up the door, it’s real Wit the non-stop, pop pop of stainless steel
Your ISP is doing it wrong, which I guess you already know. I get a /64 net via DHCPv6 for my LAN which is pretty standard.
+1 to dual stack. Too much of the internet is v4 only, missing AAAA, or various other issues. I’ve also had weird issues where a Google/Nest speaker device would fail 50% of the time and other streaming devices act slow/funky. Now I know that means the V6 net is busted and usually I have to manually release/renew. Happens once every few months, but not in a predictable interval.
Security is different, but not worse IMO. It’s just a firewall and router instead of a NAT being added in. A misconfigured firewall or enabling UPnP is still a bad idea with potentially worse consequences.
Privacy OTOH is worse. It used to be that each device included a hardware MAC as part of a statelessly generated address. They fixed that on most devices. Still, each device in your house may end up with a long lived (at least as long as your WAN lease time) unique IP that is exposed to whatever sites you visit. So instead of a unique IP per household with IPv4 and NAT, it’s per network device. Tracking sites can differentiate multiple devices in the house across sites.
This has me thinking I need to investigate more on how often my device IPv6 (or WAN lease subnet) addresses change.
Staring at the shaker nodding your head. When they pour, get eye level with the bar and follow the drink level up with your whole head. Make a whistle increasing in pitch as you do this. Pretend to eat the bar like an ear of corn when you get to mouth level. Take the drink in both hands at eye level when leaving the bar. Say “you too” as you depart as if incorrectly responding to “enjoy your drink” even though they didn’t even say that.
“way before the toilet paper shortage even starts.” LMAO.