this is sick as fuck
Present time hahaha
I hate the antichrist, btw
ASPE: aspe:keyoxide.org:UI36X2ARYH6IUTLOAZKSZOSJL4
this is sick as fuck
Damn kids these days I had cardboard and fantasy
one big ass booster powered kamikaze hornet
its actually full of mustardgas, and this photo was recent
North Korean shit balloons are cheaper
Don’t invade don’t die. With Siberia they cant pull bullshit like lebensraum
Why didnt you just to fucking try removed the wacky ram and adding one by one to see if it changes anything? Its like 30 minutes max
>Not Endwar
nukes are basically zero sum except tactical nukes and dirty bombs
English 101 in China
Imagine those annoying mosquitoes CONSTANTLY flying in front of your face except much larger and they explode
As good as my dad! He went for a quick drive to get cigarettes and he’s still driving! Never knew he is that good
Yeah I dont recommend looking it up unlease you are into kerbal dpace program and you are looking for a way to dock your apparatus
The real question is would a clone be family?
never forget the one time I saw an picture of a synthol dick
estrogen > synthol apparently
Shreks’ moist pickle dick
you would have known by now. it doesnt need to be nuclear to be really fucking big