Daemon Silverstein

I’m just a spectre out of the nothingness, surviving inside a biological system.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2024

  • Do they, though?

    How many people can stop for some moment and think “Yeah, this thing called existence seems so bizarre… Maybe this spoon I’m holding right now actually doesn’t exist?” on their own?

    People wake up and rush in an exhausting day-to-day stuff, until they sleep to rest for another busy day. People’s minds are constantly flooded with mundane stuff. For many, many people, it’s mundanely impossible to have some spare time to stop and come to realize that there’s no “real”.

    But when a person did come to that conclusion, even when they aren’t so dedicated to keep questioning the conundrums of existence, they can’t plant The Seed of Doubt inside the minds of others, because, as mentioned before, the other people are too busy to listen to something that won’t really help but make them gaze into the depths of the abyss and be gazed back in a wonderful yet painful connection with the primordial chaos filling the emptiness of every single atom.

    So, the “creators” of this “simulation” (actually I believe there is something more complex to be nominated, it has to do with too-long-to-describe cosmic principles all the way to the aeternal interplay between primordial order and primordial chaos) don’t need to “disallow/prohibit” the pondering and speculation of the nature of the existence, the constant bodily and mundane call for survival makes it impossible to have a time and space for those questions to happen, and those who have will simply have no means to effectively spread the act of their own questioning.

  • Terraria. I’m trying to make a flat small world pre-Hardmode, starting at the depth level from the western ocean (240’ above surface level) and going all the way east. I’m trying to keep the biomes, re-placing or filling blocks as needed (e.g. mud for jungle, snow for arctic, sand for desert and stone for crimson), while also making some hellevators, especially a wide (5+ blocks of distance) one between the crimson and its two neighboring biomes (so crimson won’t spread, specially if and when I enter hardmode).

    Specifically at the desert biome, which was way below 240’, I needed more sand than the world had to offer, so I needed to smuggle sand from another world I temporarily created. I dug thousands and thousands of sand blocks and sandstone blocks, taking them with my character to this world that I’m terraforming.

    As I started to smuggle blocks from a world to another, my objective became two: terraforming two worlds, the first world being leveled from sea to sea while keeping every biome, and the other being almost emptied (I’m calling it “voidforming” because I’m intending to take out literally every block I can, from space to underworld; as for the underworld’s lava, I’m using the infinite bucket trickery to create honey so I can convert the lava into crispy honey blocks which can be converted to hive when casting them to the shimmer, and part of this hive can be possibly converted to honey again while digging it; Lihzard blocks, Crimson altars and Dungeon blocks seem to be the only blocks I won’t be capable of removing in a pre-Hardmode world that actually won’t see any hardmode at all, as every single pool of lava will be removed so the Guide Voodoo Doll won’t have lava to be thrown to). Blocks from the voidformed world are mean to be used to help terraforming the other world, while the achievements from the terraformed world (such as tissue samples from Brain of Cthulhu) can be used to build tools and resources that will help on voidforming the other world.

    Lots of work, but it’s just so I can have something to keep my mind busy.

  • I first knew fediverse through Mastodon, so my answer has more to do with the whole concept of fediverse than with Lemmy alone.

    My main reasons initially were the following:

    1. I don’t really like crowded networks (it’s actually a personal trait of mine, derived from the physical fact that I don’t really like crowded places at all).
    2. I hate when algorithms try to lead me, ruling over what I write and/or ruling over what I read.
    3. I like alternative options and the unknown. Between a latin/roman A and B, I often tend to choose a greek Gamma (trying to always think outside boxes).

    And I kinda of liked it. Well, Mastodon has been a cemetery, so most of my fediverse interactions happen through Lemmy.

    Just out of curiosity: among several Lemmy instances, I specifically chose The Lemmy Club as an instance for having a Lemmy account for a symbolic reason. Back when I was signing up on Lemmy and trying to find a good instance, the initial “thelem” from “thelemmyclub” got to my attention, because at that time I was delving into Aleister Crowley’s Thelema (Liber Al Vel Legis, The book of the Law). So “the lemmy club” kinda of resembled “Thelema club” to me. I’m not a Thelemite, at least not entirely, because I’m more inclined towards a syncretic Luciferianism, but I liked the hidden symbolism that I got to see within the instance’s name (also it’s actually another personal trait of mine, trying to find patterns everywhere at every time, even though it’s just a pattern to myself).

  • Symbolism and scarcity.

    As for symbolism, red is a powerful color that symbolizes power, passion, danger and bloodlust. There’s also a hidden, metaphysical/spiritual/archetypal symbolism: a darkened red is the first color we “perceive” as we’re babies inside the womb, as the red light can reach the human tissues deeper than other light waves. Speaking of light waves, red is the longest visible wavelength, which kinda of seamlessly blends with infrared, invisible to our eyes, but can be seen by some predatory animals such as snakes (which adds to this symbolism). We can also note how things are “redshifting” throughout the entire fabric of spacetime: as the universe expansion accelerates, light becomes more and more incapable of reaching far, thus leading to a redshifting of distant stars, galaxies, nebulas and other distant space stuff. Billions of years from now, the expansion is theorized to be so fast that individual atoms will break apart, an ultimate cosmic event that is called as “Big Rip”. If this were really to happen and there were still human beings alive, we’d start to see an ever-approaching redshifting, starting at the star we’re orbiting (because our current Sun would be already “dead” by then, so would be the Earth and the current solar system) until eventually a redshifting horizon and, ultimately, redshifting arms and hands as every biological form still alive would start dying. Phew! I digressed… But you got the point. “Redness” can be said as something intrinsically woven within the entire fabric of spacetime, so outside our control, so powerful than anything, so red is simultaneously power, beauty, passion and danger.

    As for scarcity, IIRC, the redhairness is a characteristic caused by recessive genes. So it’s not as common as brown, dark or blonde hair, therefore, it can be seen as a symbol of uniqueness. Nobleness and royalty implies a sense of power and uniqueness, so it makes sense to depict queens and kings as redhaired.

    Together, they sum inside our “collective unconsciousness” to see red (as well as purple, which symbolizes the other side of visible spectrum, blended with ultraviolet, also invisible to us but visible to certain animals) as a fundamental color for powerful figures.

  • I often do experiments involving randomness, art, math, NLP, cryptography and programming.

    In my most recent experiment as from yesterday, I created a novel ciphering method. I mean, I guess it’s totally different from known ciphering methods (such as Vigenere, Caesar, Playfair, ROT13 and so on) because I couldn’t find anything similar.

    Some examples follow:

    • “phyphox” is ((1,8,8), (6,6,5), (5,4), ø, ø, (1,2), (0,0), ø, (2,1), ø) (in the way I’m using it for now, the cipher will always result in 10 tuples containing a variable amount of tuples, with ø indicating an empty tuple; there are lots of output formatting alternatives: here I’m using an one-liner mathematical representation in order to be compact).
    • “asklemmy” is ((0,1,5), (1,9,1,1,2,3,3), (0,5), (1,2), ø, (1), ø, ø, ø, (1))
    • To make it more obvious on how it works, the entire alphabet sequence (“abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”) results in ((0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2), (0,0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2), (0,1,0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6), (0,1,2), (0,1,2), (0,1,2), (0,1), (0,1), (0,1), (1,2))
    • And “aaa” is ((0,1,1,1), (0,0), ø, ø, ø, ø, ø, ø, ø, ø)

    I’ll keep a puzzle spirit and I won’t explain it for now. The only hint is that the previous examples consider the English alphabet as so: A=01, B=02, C=03, all the way until Z=26 (yeah, the leading zero matters to this ciphering method). If you’re a programmer, think in terms of pointers, or even better, an unidirectional linked list. If you’re a mathematician, try to visualize a graph.

    The cipher doesn’t rely just on its principles, it also needs a corresponding mapping set (which can be alphabetical but can also contain non-letters, even emojis or hieroglyphs; the order will matter), and it also needs to know where to start the traversal path (the given examples start at the zeroeth tuple, but it could start anywhere). It’s both deterministic (because there’s a single correct path) and chaotic (because the result depends on other variables such as the mapping set, the initial position to start traversing, which element to take (whether the first or the last, FIFO or LIFO) and what numeric base to use (the examples used base-10, but it can be done as hexadecimal, octal, binary, or virtually any numerical base)). So I guess it has a lot of potential, not just for cryptography.

  • Considering that the last person I knew online was a “friend” (something I’m really not sure, because I guess I’m not even sure what friendship is?), the person accused me of using AI to talk to her, because I often seem cold and emotionless (even though I’m just numb due to events that has been happening throughout my entire existence, and I guess that’s different from not being able to feel emotions).

    Speaking of offline people, the last person I knew (also not sure whether it was friendship or not) betrayed my trust, they did a thing behind my back, a thing that I became aware of, but the same person continued to hide it from me and insisted of referring to me as “friend”.

    Well, maybe I never had friends at all, and I guess I won’t as I’m now in my 30s. It’s okay, as I often mentally repeat to myself, every coffin can only hold a single body anyways (apologies for this memento mori).

  • There was a similar question at another community. I’ll verbatim my reply:

    As a syncretic Luciferian currently, I’d say esoteric and occult books/grimoires as well. Everything that’s deemed “demonic” by christianity should be safely archived.

    There are many, many authors and books that hold importance for esoteric and occult studies and practices.

    An example that comes to mind are the books written by Anton LaVey, especially the The Satanic Bible. As he was american, so are his books’ first copies from, so a greater risk of those copies being seized or something.

    While this risk wouldn’t be the same for all corpora written by Aleister Crowley, as he was English so the first copies aren’t at american soil (if I guessed correctly), I’m not sure how far a christotyrannical regime would go for “serving God’s will”.

    So, in summary, I’d say everything should be archived. Both physically and digitally. It’s worth mentioning how Internet Archive is being attacked: the Internet Archive holds many digital copies of important esoteric and occult knowledge as well. If Internet Archive goes permanently down, it’d ripple to other sites such as sacred-texts.

  • There are many, many authors and books that hold importance for esoteric and occult studies and practices.

    An example that comes to mind are the books written by Anton LaVey, especially the The Satanic Bible. As he was american, so are his books’ first copies from, so a greater risk of those copies being seized or something.

    While this risk wouldn’t be the same for all corpora written by Aleister Crowley, as he was English so the first copies aren’t at american soil (if I guessed correctly), I’m not sure how far a christotyrannical regime would go for “serving God’s will”.

    So, in summary, I’d say everything should be archived. Both physically and digitally. It’s worth mentioning how Internet Archive is being attacked: the Internet Archive holds many digital copies of important esoteric and occult knowledge as well. If Internet Archive goes permanently down, it’d ripple to other sites such as sacred-texts.

  • As a Brazilian, not much. Throughout my entire lifetime, I saw some Brazilians there and there wearing Halloween costumes but it’s not as popular here as “quermesses” (kirmess, church fairs, happening mostly on Brazilian’s interiorian towns), Carnival, Christmas or some “important” soccer game (such as Corinthians vs Palmeiras, or Flamengo vs Fluminense).

    To me, particularly, no holiday (nor soccer games) holds any importance or meaning. In the end of the day, it’ll be just capitalism mesmerizing people to spend money on temporary things.

  • In Brazil we officially call it something like “National Enabling Card” (here I’m translating “Carteira Nacional de Habilitação”, CNH, in a literal way). By joining the meanings from words “Carteira” and “Habilitação”, it takes the meaning of “license”. But here’s the catch: while the English part of CNH is “Driver License”, the original Portuguese name doesn’t mention the “motorista” (i.e. the driver). It’d be something like “National License”, focusing more on the collective (nation) instead of who is actually being licensed (the driver, the individual, the citizen).

    Edit: I noticed that your map is wrong for Brazil. The Brazilian CNH (the newer models) has “Driver License”, not “Driving License”, among the international languages below the original Portuguese title for the document: English, Spanish and French.

  • Curious to see how the peaks aren’t specifically for a country, but for a region. The tallest peaks within Brazilian territory geographically correspond to São Paulo (actually, Sao Paulo’s neighboring region including Guarulhos as well as Campinas) and Rio de Janeiro. Between them it’s possible to see a smaller peak, it’s probably Belo Horizonte. The peak below is probably Curitiba. There are peaks on the northeast corresponding to Northeastern capitals, such as Salvador, Fortaleza and Natal. The Brazilian north and middle-west are sparsely populated. So, in a sense, the indicators are specifically placed within the map, corresponding not just to countries, but accounting for local demographics as well. Nice.