On top of that: any FPV drones that were either not fooled or fooled and attack are just bouncing off on contact.
On top of that: any FPV drones that were either not fooled or fooled and attack are just bouncing off on contact.
Tank you for träwelling viz Deutsche Bahn…
Afaik Czechia identified 800k shells available on the world market (a lot from Turkey) and they are looking for partners to buy them for Ukraine.
Awesome, I didn’t know that either! TIL
“I don’t know what weapons the next big war will be fought with, but one afterwards with be fought with sticks and drones.” - Einstein, probably
I’m actually not that into actual self-hosting (it feels too close to my day job). But i love the idea of it, and actually do host my own RSS Reader: It’s selfoss (PHP + SQLite, so, very simple) and i have been using ever since google reader shut down. It runs on my uberspace.de instance.
Deutsche Bahn is city-ferries in Copenhagen.