You say that as if it’s an option for everyone in said country.
You say that as if it’s an option for everyone in said country.
I mean it’s from the late 1800s. Not sure women were allowed to be doctors then. They might’ve come down with “hysteria” and sawed off the wrong leg. Cause the men were really keeping things in order.
Interesting. Thanks!
Providing an actually useful summary instead of more click bait would be preferred.
Too cute. I typically don’t like squishy keys, but I’d make an exception here.
*Didn’t hear the audio at first. That…is a bit too much, lol.
Ah, ok. I see that now. That sucks.
Doesn’t this change the meaning of the statement so much that it’s no longer true that every citizen of age who is a resident is eligible to vote?
I don’t see how it would, but maybe I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. The eligibility of the people in the article did not change. “Only” vs “Every” still includes the same group of people.
What did change was the explicit exclusion of people outside of those qualifiers. This could potentially make challenging votes of “questionable” voters that much more impactful or difficult to defend against, and maybe make adjusting the existing qualifiers harder (the only one I can really think of is age), but that depends on WI’s amendment process, which I don’t know.
Depends on who’s in charge. 50%+ of the internet seems to be hosted by amazon and musk rules his little fiefdom. The call to be proactive isn’t unreasonable.
Not everything is about what we’re “required” to do. If op wants to apologize, why try and talk them out of it?
*Edit to add this clip since it’s been echoing in my head for weeks now and it’s relevant:
I’m unclear what the gameplay will be like. The vibe feels like something between DRG and Outlast Trials?
It’s a bite to the wallet to get a decent chair, but definitely worth it, and can still be done for sub-$1000 too.
That one is actually pretty hot.
On the one hand, putting absolute faith into an llm and regurgitating anything it says as fact is just stupidity manifest. On the other, holding customers liable for their own shitty llm is hilariously duplicitous.
Maybe, if this is a known issue, LI shouldn’t be pushing this crap on their platform in the first place, yeah? But some higher up already fully bought in to the grift and to pull back now would be admitting they got dupped, which will never happen of course.
Elden Ring really got this right by playing the cool cut scene once and then every attempt after goes straight into the fight. Could’ve done with closer sites/shrines in a few of the fights, though
Why in the world would you pick any other day?
As shitty as it is, yes.
Most phones have an emergency lockdown that will require a passcode, fwiw.
If you don’t have a separate device to steam link with your deck, I’d recommend getting a Bluetooth keyboard. Even if you do, the keyboard would be handy if you’re out. It really helps with navigating the desktop mode when you need to mess with that side of it.