Some people consolidate on things in their 60s after retirement and don’t necessarily want more things. If this person has shown signs of that - then something disposable like food/snacks/sweets.
Some people consolidate on things in their 60s after retirement and don’t necessarily want more things. If this person has shown signs of that - then something disposable like food/snacks/sweets.
I feel like this pretty much answers it.
API changes killing Apollo.
I have a hard time recommending Whataburger to others – you’re not missing anything special if you’ve never had it.
But – it’s my go-to. Give me some meatycheesyblobness and spicey ketchup please.
Was very confused why this was being asked. Was not aware there was a mechanism to send a shutdown signal. Thanks.
You forgot to add something to the cart and then remove it a few days later.
If Antartica is a country in the new world order – then screw them.
You might fact check that.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news – you subconsciously prefer the Jim Beam and are sleep drinking it at night.
Yup - I am keeping an eye out for something like this. Not super urgently looking though.
Verizon wouldn’t sell anything larger than a 15gb plan - glad those days of juggling SIM cards are past.
But yeah - Starlink has helped a lot. I still have 3 big cell prover SIM cards and modems/router for redundancy.
My residence is registered at my parents house. I’m fortunate for that – not sure what I’ll do when they pass.
The companies I work for are typically smaller - my bosses and teams usually know I’m a bit of a vagrant. When I get acquired by larger companies I’m a little more tight lipped and vigilant with VPN use.
I move every 2 weeks in an RV. So I roughly wake up in 26 different places over the year.
Internet is rough. But has gotten better over the years since I started.
I could imagine that socially it might be difficult for some.
But largely my routine is similar to if I were in a house/apartment:
Weekdays: work, cook/eat, walk/hike/explore, games, sleep. Weekends: groceries, cook/eat, chores/maintenance, relocate if needed, walk/hike/explore, games, sleep.
Oh - I usually remind people they’re giving up a dishwasher and laundry machines unless they’re going pretty big on their RV purchase.
Recently I’ve been parking during the summer and flying to different countries. It’s more or less the same - solid internet is a challenge and you get to work on a potential language barrier.
Please be true.
My takeaway here is that I need to play Trailmakers if I haven’t already.
Good excuse to buy a drone.
You don’t have to confirm/deny - but I’m going to pretend this niche is selling tiefling horns/ears.
Can you reach the router? Does the router have a dhcp lease for it? Where is the dhcp lease from on your laptop?