Terrible decision but for a noble cause
Terrible decision but for a noble cause
The meatball thing came from Ikea 100%
The title is weird because there are no link between what Russia did with the gaz and the collapse of French government, we don’t even rely on Russia for our gas demand.
Hey be French is pretty cool just not here , Nah here its completely fuck up
France more female , damn I m bad. 😔
I feel you so fucking much.
You are doing your part o7
I live in rural area the next stop is in 5km , just said that it is annoying when two cyclist are side by side that all.
Love cycling but to be fair that s a little annoying when you have 2 cyclists side by side and you can’t overtake them. The driver was an asshole but i can understand his frustration.
Yep that s earth in french too
You are fucking degen… But she look thick as fuck.
Silksong 🤞
I m 164cm and you have to admit that yup it is “negative” (well it s not really it s just that being taller is better) . I like the term short king I think. I m not an english native speaker so no one call me that .that s may be why it don’t bother me.
Only discord
Nord pas de Calais for France
Yeah thats what I said